One Minute Magic Workout

Motion is life
The fact is that the human body is designed to move. For thousands of years, everything has evolved around this fundamental law, and for the first time ever, human beings find themselves consistently sitting for hours. That sedentary lifestyle, creates havoc on the body, which leads to earlier death, and decrease in vitality as well as shorter life span.

Why train like this?
Going to the gym, is great, but then you still sit for hours. Metabolism shifts to a sedentary mode and the negative impacts begin to take their toll on your body. While most focus on doing more and maximum, there is a great benefit to recognize there is a minimum effective dosage. Maybe you have heard of microdosing. The idea is to give the system just enough to generate a positive desired result.

Just 4 minutes but the message here is powerful.

Who is this for?
You who wants to be healthy.
You, who is struggling to fit a workout into your day? Yet still have that determined attitude of no excuses.
You who is looking to work smart not just hard.

How it works?
Starting at 7:00am, every hour until 7:00pm you get a text with an exercise to perform for 1 minute as soon as you catch a break in your hour. For those who are able to, we have options that will add up, up to 5 minutes of movement per hour.

What are the benefits of doing such a workout?
There have been many studies showing that moving 1 to 5 minutes every hour breaks the cycle of the sitting disease.

What kind of exercise will I be doing?
There will be a mix of strength, stretches, agility and cardio movements.
Check out these sample videos for examples

I have an injury, can we modify?
Yes, we can work around common types of injury, such as shoulder, ankle, knee, wrist restrictions

I am stuck in the office, can I still do this?
Yes, we have options for cubicle restrictions, home office, on the road sales setting.

How much does it cost? just $10 per day

How do I sign up?
Fill out the form below

Click here to see a rought dradft template of the page they will land on each hour to do their workout

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