Water Fasting

This is a great Documentary to watch and learn more about it. They talk about all the medical research that was done and documented over the years and the population sample is very large. Free to watch with amazon prime and YouTube.

Watch the documentary as it will pretty much answer all your questions

link to amazon videoYoutube link

Action Plan

When you fail to plan you essentially plan to fail.
There are several step you want to take now, prior to starting, so that you will have a successful experience

Taking this time, to really engage with the process is truly taking the first of your journey as this extends beyond just the duration of the water fast. Putting yourself in the right state of mind, and scheduling your life so that you don't have anything draining up ahead that you can predict will really make an impact on your experience. Having said that, this is not an excuse to procrastinate as there will never be the perfect time. Stay realistic, and above all invest the time and energy to building your level of commitment to this process.


It may seem scary and that is totally normal, especially if this is your first time, allow yourself to go through the process and let the fear pass as you gain more knowledge about it and realize that you can do this.

Review and write down the benefits of doing the fast that really matter to you.

What is the goal for you?

Write down and really nail your "WHY". Why are you doing this? This is an important step to prepare so that when it get tough you have an anchor to ground you and help you get through any momentary mental lapses.

Detox yourself prior to the fast so that the body doesn't have to go through that process at the same time.

Visualize yourself going through it successfully, how you will feel, what you will tell yourself when it get tough, and how you will feel at the end of it.

prep a journal that is specific for this experience so that you can write down your thoughts and afterwards review it for deeper insights from your experience.

Just like any day, plan out your day and follow a schedule


Be mindful of the emotions and thoughts that pass through. Do not engage with them, do not buy into any of them, just simply observe them like the clouds in the sky and allow them to pass.

Pay attention to and notice the unconscious habits that you may have, and write them down.

Follow your plan for the day.

Take a nap is a healthy way to escape and let the time pass as well as give your body an opportunity to do what it knows it needs to do.

Do your best to stay present with the experience.

Your body will be totally fine, the biggest challenge here is for the mind.


Write down, what are your takeaways from this exeprience?

Did you achieve the goal?

Allow yourself to feel proud of what you have accomplished

Fasting is an excellent healthy habit, that you can incorporate into your daily life.

Take this experience and allow it to have a ripple effect that will support your healthy habits and be the catalyst to upgrade those which you are ready to upgrade.

Plan your next fast.

Ready to join me for a 24 hour fast?

Let's do it together!

What do you get? Accountability, someone to chat with while we are in the process, answering your questions as we go.

Price to join $20


Can you die from water fasting?

Technically if you fasted indefinitely and didn’t eat you would enter a state of starvation.

However, the body has evolved over thousands of years to go periods of time without food by storing it as fat.

Always do your research and consult your doctor if you’re considering long-term water fast. If you have medical conditions, then it is advised you have a conversation with your doctor about your intentions prior to starting your fast. At the same time be mindful that, this is not taught in western medical schools and you may find yourself knowing more than your doctor does about this topic.

Water fasting offers several health benefits and for most healthy adults going without food for several days should cause little to no harm.

Intermitten Fasting app

There are many apps to choose from this is one of them and they offer a guide here to help you personalize your plan.

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