Fit Space

Create your own home gym

Most people fail because they do not set themselves up for success. Yes your tools, and work space will make it a terrible experience causing you to quit or a space where you look forward to escaping to and training daily. This is the investment into your health that will pay for itself many times over. I picked the tools that will last, are quality and will set you up for success.

How to get the most out of your home gym?

1. Create the space. More then a size, it is best when you can stay focused, by reducing distractions. You do not need a lot of space, but you do need it to be organized. Organization is key to success. Make it yours, colors that inspire you, create a feel that will energize you and make you want to come back daily.

1.A Art. hang up some images that fill you up with drive when you look at them.

1.B Lighting. make sure you adjust the light to either nicely dim or bright light that wakes you up but doesn't make your eye tired.

1.C Music. I like to workout in a quiet place and with music. When I want to clear my head, and get centered, I like to turn the lights low, and make the room quiet. When I want to jump around, and need the extra support I turn my music up.

1.D Functionality. A room that can allow you to meditate, to stretch or do yoga, to strength train and to do conditioning.

1.E Airflow and air quality. You will be breathing hard, and want to inhale clean air, having a air purifier is a must. Do you have A/C and or fans? The air purifier is always on when I train. When I stretching or doing yoga I just go air purifier. When strength training I will add the fan and doing conditioning I like to have all 3 going to the max.

2. Set your schedule, set an appointment with yourself and keep it like any other important appointment. Accountability is a big part of the formula. Most people like to do the live classes because they know someone expects them to show up, some pre pay for the week, making the comittement, and putting your workouts on your calendar is a must.

2.A Partner. Having a workout partner(s) will help you get there faster and safer. Holding each other accountable, motivating each other on the lazy days, supporting through setbacks, pushing each other to new goals and enjoying the process more along the way. Maybe you don't have the space, but your partner does, and you can chip in for some equipment to make both of your workouts even better.

3. Budget, and perspective, you are investing in yourself, the bare minimum will get you started, yet for long term success, you want to invest into a fully functioning space that creates options, fun, effectiveness for you along with safety aspects to training. A space to which you are looking forward to return to the next day and feel inspired while you are there.

4. Bare minimum: backpack that is very heavy, you can barely lift it over head. Bath towel. Something you can use to slide on the floor (towel or paper plate), this can get you started on your journey.

5. Invest in a good flooring, I posted here 2 types of flooring, for small space, movability, and extra softness, this one you can also fold and use as a step. The second is much larger and more permanent solution. Ideally if space allows it using both is most recommended. the reason flooring is 1st is because this will be your most used tool of all. Most common complaints are my back hurts, scratches, joints hurt from jumping on hard surface and a safe issue with slipping. Many exercises require you to to lay down, you want a nice surface that is soft and also easy to clean the sweat. Hard floor is not fun to lay down on or roll, carpet will not be fun to sweat on to it.

5.A Jump Box. Once you have a good flooring a jump box, the 3 in one offering 20", 24" and 30" high will provide you with lots of options for exercises that you will do for as long as you train.

5.B Jump rope by Bud Lee. Arguably the best cardio tool for small space. Yes this one costs a bit more, but it will last and it really is the best design, by Olympian. Look him up and he is amazing with the jump rope. Benefits are the jumping is great to get your flow in your body going, it is amazing way to train your cardio in a small space, as well works on your coordination, timing and balance, shoulders, legs, it truly is a full body workout. One of the best benefits is jump rope is that it is a self correcting exercise, meaning you can not do it wrong. It can only be performed right. Unlike many others where people can do it with poor form, and just mess many things up and still say they did it. You know right away if you messed up on jump rope. Click here to check out the master himself train the way you want to move. want to be wowed, check this link out.

6. Dumbells, with a rack. You want to have at least 3 sets. Light (about 5lbs) for shoulder work, medium that will be good for curls (12 lbs or more), and heavy for chest press and squats (20 lbs or more) strength training is key to bone strength.

7. Kettlebells with a rack. the reason for racks is that organization is key, you want everything to have a home, because it creates a safer space for working out, more pleasant to see which makes you enjoy being there more. Kettlebells are amazing to dynamically build strength, in a way that dumbbells really can't. great tool for stretching as well. Here to get atleast 3 different sizes. Women should get something lighter than 20 and something heavier. Men should get something lighter than 30 and heavier.

8. Pull ups are really key as well, to your shoulder health for hanging and to your upper body as well as core strength. Here I have two options, fitness reality x class which is a free standing and most versatile, but it more permanent tool and the other one is a bar that can fit in your door way, easy to move it but not as many options as the X class.

9. Indian clubs and the Mace. These tools are great to create a flow and shoulder, along with posuture health. They require, fluid coordinated movements, strength and controlled explosiveness.

10. Bands and TRX are great as well but are more specialized and for people who are really into fitness.

HYDRATE. Water facilitates all cellular functions, so keep yourself well hydrated.

Awesome accessory to help build inner thighs, help fix squats, arm workout and butt.

Strudy and will get you going, there are many great full body exercises with the backpack.

This is a must, it works great as step as well, it is super versatile tool and you will use it daily.

If space and budget allows this is a great idea to have to protect the floor and creat a great space.

I use these as my light dumbbells, and there is so much more you can do with them.

This is a must have,

Serious tool for your training, this tool will deliver many great options for you. for advanced people.

If you are struggling with balance, this is a great tool, and has many uses.

If you have the space and budget this is a great addition, as there are many benefits to vibration plates.

Stability ball in my view is a must as it is one of the best core and whole body exercise tools available

Small and inexpensive and great for the abs, totally worth the price for the options it delivers

Bands offer a great option and some unique exercise to give you a better variety.

If you have shoulder issues this is something to look into

When the paper plate or towel is no longer to your taste this one will serve you well.

Want to hit stuff and get a great workout, this bad will be a great dummy for it

Purple - 20 lb. Pink - 30 lb. Magenta - 40 lb. Orange - 50 lb.Red - 60 lb. Yellow - 70 lb. 

mini trampoline

very basic set up, compact and sturdy design will keep you safe and organized

Organization is key and this also keep your tools neat, safe, and ready to go.
