Your Health, Longevity and Frequency.

The premise of the book is based on the fact that
no living organism can be healthy while living in a polluted environment,
as everything is interconnected.
This book is a guide to creating natural environmental harmony in your home
that will drive your healthy life in a practical manner,
through the powerful synergy of its parts.
It is not just about how long you live its the quality of your life matters more.
You want to increase your life span as a result of increasing your vibrant health span.
Our Healthy Home System will support the quality of your life.

Most important factor in health and longevity
is your environment

"Your environment is one of the most powerful invisible forces that shape your life." - Dan Buettner is a longevity expert, National Geographic Fellow and New York Times bestselling author

In their research of five regions called “Blue Zones”—(Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa,Japan; Sardinia; Loma Linda, California; and Nicoya, Costa Rica). They found: "Their physical environment is perfectly designed to make healthy decision-making easier—in some cases completely mindless."

Terrain: These people live in natural terrains (i.e. mountainous, isolated etc.) that make it difficult to import and consume processed foods. Making them exercise as part of their day to day life which is a by product of their environment, and consume native grown foods. They don’t need to rely on motivation or willpower to eat healthy, because it’s the only choice available.

The architecture of their homes makes it difficult to sit for long time, no comfy chairs, couches, tvs. To move around they climb lots of stairs or steep inclines, living is closely knit communities that support sense of belonging, purpose. Their plates and bowls are smaller, their access to food supply is limited making them eat smaller portions and less food, not over eating. They even have the rule of eating 80% full. They own very little, living simply, and are not surrounded by technology which brings the electromagnetic fields with it, disrupting their rest, sleep, and productivity.

Research conducted by Nicholas Christakis, a social scientist at Harvard, and James Fowler, a political scientist at UC San Diego on the likelihood of obesity suggests you’re more likely to become obese if you have close friends who are obese.
Living closely together there is the peer influence effect, Framingham studies have shown that if your 3 best friends are obese, there’s up to a 57% chance you’ll also become obese too. They manage stress, and weekly take 24 hours to be with their family a friends, not working.

Great book, The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People Paperback – by Dan Buettner

Let's face every aspect of our lives, of our environment is toxic. Thankfully our bodies have an amazing capacity to handle toxicity and detox, but there comes a point where the load is too much for our bodies to bare and the toxicity accumulates, degrading our health. Think of this way, you have a home and people come over and make a mess, you have a certain capacity to clean up and to a point you can keep up, but at a certain point you just can not keep up with the mess that is being generated and the house gets into ever increasing mess until it is not livable. Consider this too, that while you were keeping up with cleaning up the mess, you were so busy with the clean up that you had no time to make house improvements. So just simply focusing on keeping up with the clean up is not enough, you must get to the point where the house is clean and you can rest and it is clean long enough for you to shift your focus and address other aspects of the house that need your attention as well. We live in a world where people are barely keeping up and more and more people are falling being with keeping up with the toxic load and their health suffers for it. You want to escape that cycle, you want to have your environment to support you not poison you.

It took me over a decade of study to compile the information and place it in this heierarchy order. What drove me intianlly was the sudden death of my dad when I was 15, that showed me the impact of health not just on the person, but on my entire family. Even at that age I realized, losing a parent, is happening to millions of families and that pain wanted me to help others to avoid to have to experience such things. Later my own health struggles drove me as I went to doctor after doctor and no one could diagnose me clearly. It became clear to me that my health is my responsibility and I need to find the answers myself. The traditional doctors of today are trained to manage symptoms and not guide us to good health. The emergency of functional medicine is a wonderful divergence by doctors who see the moral issue of symptom treatment, selling ever increasing amount of pills to manage new issues arising from the previously described pills, leading people ever farther from good health. Functional medicine practice seeks to identify the root cause and guide a person to restoring harmony and balance in their lives and as a result restoring their health.

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." Frank Lloyd Wright

The current popular approach is looks like this, doctor my hand hand hurts, okay let me give you a pill to numb it, this pill make it stop hurting, it may damage your liver, your vision may become blurry, you may experience diahreah, feel dizzy at times, anxious and in rare cases death occurs, but your hand will stop to hurt fast, you may have issues with using it. The desperate person in pain is by nature willing to do whatever it takes to get a relief. It is an exploitation of one of human natural instincts, to make irrational decisions in the face of immediate pain, threat or fear. I believe no person in their right mind, would take the pill. Pain pills are way more profitable then vitamins for that same reason, people are willing to open their pockets and deal with immediate pain then a promise of bette health tomorrow, and the so called leaders of health are happy to lead people in that direction for it is very profitable. While a functional medicine doctor will say well let's hold on a moment. Tell me more about you, more about what you do, more about what you think lead to this pain in your hand, lets investigate, they will take the time to actually listen and get to know their patient. In this scenario the doctors inquiers lead them to figure out that the person u knowingly has been placing their hand on substance that causes muscles to cramp when they are exposed to this substance for an extensive period of time. The patient is given relief to the immediate pain and is no aware as to what to avoid so that they can stop taking pills and stop causing harm to their hand and go on with their life. The focus of functional medicine is not to sell ever increasing amount of pills that drives profits and robs the taker of the pills of ever more of their health. The functional medicine doctor focus on discovering the root cause, helping mitigate it and let the patient enjoy better health as they go about their live, knowing they have someone they can trust to go back to if they ever need help again. I am not a doctor, I am a student, I pay attention to how things interrelate, and what scientific research shows, and how people have successfully regained their health. So I want to share my journey and help people regain their health, keep their families healthy and living a long, vibrant, high quality life because life is so amazing and I believe when more people realize they can live to 100 or more, as studies show can be done, and those years can be spent living fully, happy, vibrantly then more people will invest into their health and humanity will be better off for it.
The intention is to bring clarity to a topic that is very confusing and bring you a step by step action plan.

The 16th Century Swiss-German physician, Paracelsus, declared: “The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician”. I decided to put my health in the hands of Nature, and I encourage you to explore what I have found and how nature has its own intelligence that can bring balance and harmony back to the body. The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Thomas Edison Click here for more information as to what pubmed has to say about this topic.

The body can self heal if you give it the right conditions and raw materials to do so.

You can create a healthy home a healthy office space that will support your body, creating a healthy home for the entire ecosystem that lives within your body that is keeping you healthy and alive. Louis Pasteur after a lifetime of work with the germ theory, on his deathbed said: “I was wrong. The germ is nothing. The Terrain is everything.” it seems that he wanted to come clean before he died, as years later researchers after having access to his notes found fraud, click here to read on. Interesting that he chose to use the word terrain, for it can mean the body, or our immediate environment, our planet and even as the Scientist are beginning to understand the cosmos, for everything is influencing everything else as everything is connected. I think the public is starting to become clear on the connection of the health state of our planet and the health state of our species. People are beginning to understand that we can not survive if we destroy and pollute our environment too much. It is in 1970 when Earth Day was established, after we landed on the moon, after human consciousness finally has been able to gain new perspective of our planet and noticed that truly we are a tiny spect in a vast darkness, there are no borders, no countries, no nationalities, just water, land, clouds, and everything is interconnected, the pollution travels all over, poisons every part of the planet, and that everything is intimately in relationship with everything else. The dust storms in African Sahara desert impact the hurricane over the Atlantic, later ending up in the amazon, and the effect trickles on across the planet, each influencing the next system. Everything is connected, there is no humanity if we destroy our environment and there is no health if we live in a toxic world.

We go to school because we are told we will have a better life, but that is truly misleading. We are taught in school how to listen, not critically think, we are taught how to be good employees so that we can perform a job. We are not taught how to be happy, which is key to a good life. we are not taught how to express our emotions in a healthy way, now to feel and process what we feel, how to love ourselves and from there love others, how to create healthy romantic relationships, how to discover our innate gifts, how to thin for ourselves, how to listen to our gut, how true wealth is created, how to eat healthy, how to develop a growth mindset where sadly the system is designed to only reenforce a fixed mindset click here for more information. We are not taught about healthy lifestyle, those who teach us for the most part are not good example, at homes for the most part we don't see a good example, and yet we are told to trust the doctors, the FDA but when you look at them, they too are hardly an example of vibrant good health in any way, yet they preach. At what point do we start to question things, at what point do we start to connect with ourselves and our inner truth? At what point do we begin to see the disconnect of what they "authorities" tell us, and their real intent, at what point do we realize the world revolves around scarcity mindset, the system is set up on profit and no around well being of people, the powers squabble and kill people and nature over resources instead of hunting and cooperating in a way where everyone wins, especially the planet, so what humanity has accomplished so far is great global destruction, robbing our future of pristine beauty that this planet once was. To talk about your personal health without talking about the health of community, humanity, and health of nature is pointless for it is all interconnected and there is no personal health without global health. This is a key point to fully comprehend and act on. Health is not just about eating, or exercise, health is the harmony of all processes in your life. The external environment, how you see yourself, your perception on how you fit into the world around you, how you feel about your safety, your relationship with your mind and heart which is the most important and most intimate relationship of all which will the be foundation for all other relationships in life and we will go into that later on. Health is a state of being that drives actions, not an action you take to create a state.

Who is this book for? This book is for those interested in their health, so that they can live as fully and as long as they possibly can. The driving question of this book is, how do I maximize the quality of life we experience and then how can we extend it? In answering this question this book outlines actionable steps that you can take to create a healthy environment that will empower your body's own inteligence to and support your natural self regulating and healing powers.

This is not life according to me it is life according to timeless wisdom, old proven science and the latest research which tends to only prove that the timeless old wisdom which our society has forgotten for the most part or at the very least has been mislead to believe and to trust in profiteering powers rather than what their true innate wisdom tells them.

Aging is part of life, and it will impact your more than any other part of your life, it will impact your family, friends, community and perhaps for those few who dare to serve the planet it will impact humanity. So doesn't it make sense that you want to know all there is about this process to maximize your return on life, on quality of life and the length of your life? Wouldn't it be great to master it to the point where the main variable to your death is luck, because you took care of all the other possible variants that are within in your control to keep you young, vibrant, healthy and regenerating.

I believe more people would refocus their lives on healthy lifestyle if they realized they could live to 100 or more with a high quality of life. Meaning you can run, you are pain free, you can travel and enjoy life to it's fullest while having gained the experience and wisdom that can come from all those years lived.

What drove me? Losing my dad at age 15 due to a heart acttack, has made it very clear to me the impact health has on kids and the family. As an adult entering my 40s I see how some people decay much faster and others stay youthful long. Learning about the Blue Zones, genetics, nutrition, spirituality, fitness, consciousness, and reading lots of books on aging, has helped me identify common themes which I tested by seeing do they stand the test of time and proof by science. I looked for wisdom in through the centuries, that is shared culturally, globally and across written human time span. Science now is proving that those ancient wisdoms are valid in their application and are replicable.

"Aging is not just decay you know. Its growth. Its more than the negative that you're going to die its also the positive that you understand going to die and you live a better life because of it." Mitch Albom. Sickeness, aging, death are typically associated with lacking in nutrition, lack in exercise, yet science show they are also associate with over consumption of food, over exertion, excess toxic load. Life is a balance between having and not having, neither is good or bad, it is the balance of the two that matters.

Almost everybody believes that aging is fatal but you look at the data and and find that nobody really few people do die of old age. People die from diseases that we blame old age for which largely is a misunderstanding. Everyone believes that aging is irreversible and that is also a misconception because if you remove the toxins from your body if you learn to get the chronic stress out of your life through meditation if you change your environment and if you go through certain procedures like increasing antioxidants, reducing chronic inflammation, consuming nutrient dense diet you can actually reverse the biological markers of aging, make your hormone level reverse. There is a DHEA hormone that with time goes down but you can actually reverse that through certain processes and supplementation, you can change the blood pressure you can improve hearing, eyesight. In short all the things that we think go with the aging process are reversible. Most people think aging is normal, but what is normal? Perhaps we are confusing the normal with the psychopathology of the average which is far from normal potential. There are people who are 25 that look and behave like 40 as there are people who are 60 who have a biology of a 30 year olds. Another misconception is thinking that aging has a genetic component and yet that is only a very partially true statement. If your parent lived up to be more than 80 years it ads only 3 years to your life but you can do things with your stress, with your life, the toxins in your environment, with your food with your lifestyle that can add 30 to 50 years to your life... Quality and the quantity that you can override the genes..." Deepak Chopra

What is aging? If you google it, the definitions will be similar. "Put simply, aging is a series of processes that include direct damage, accumulation of cellular waste, errors, and imperfect repairs as well as the responses to them. These processes result in the familiar signs of aging and ultimately to the development of age-related diseases that eventually kill us." Source So what if you engage in process that minimize the damage, enhance ability to clean out the cellular waste, repair the errors?

There are two ways to measure aging. Chronologically, where people count the years. The second way is way more accurate which is Biologically. What you want to focus on, what matters most is your biological age and how to influence it.

"All diseases of the modern era are related to dehydration, chronic inflammation and inability to remove the toxicity from our cells and body through respiration, perspiration, urination, excretion / elimination which all need water." Dr. Gokal.

So aging happens at the cellular level where the cell function deteriorates. Since your body is made of the cells, that means the organs function will suffer and eventually you will notice it, through pain, energy levels and so on. So if we focus on keeping the cells healthy, we will benefit. So what can be done biologically to influence aging? If you look at again as a seesaw, on one side you have decay, and on the other side you have growth. What drives decay is the accumulation of damage to the cells. What drives growth is the ability to repair the damage that happens. The formula then is minimize the amount of damage and support the ability to repair. Simply breathing creates free radicals within the cells, which end up creating damage, but you can support your cells to have the ability to repair that damage. What are free radicals? Source, I suggest you click the link and have a quick read, it is short and worth it.

There is another part of aging that is not addressed much. Your personal relationship with life. Are you in harmony it life, as it unfolds around you or are you always battling life? Sometimes you get what you want and other times you don't or lose what you had. Leading you to live a life that is full of fear of not getting what you want, fear of getting what you do not want and fear of losing what you have and want. This constant existence at odds with life, is draining, on the psyche and on your life force energy. Leading to losing that zest for life, losing the vitality and drive to live. As you will discover as you read on, there is a physical aspect to health, and there is that metaphysical aspect which is something science is understanding more and more, yet the ancient wisdom offers the solution, that is unchanging through human history, time, and cultures.

I noticed it, this duality within myself and also through my fitness business as I got to work with hundreds of people for over a decade. The common thread of mental struggle with life, with feeling insecure personally and fearful, deep inner sorrow, anxious about future as well as regretful about the past mistakes. This too accumulates with in us, creating heaviness, even physcial pain slowly draining the person off their energy.

It is not just the years that make the person hunched over, but also the weight of their emotional baggage which they accumulated instead of releasing. What this book will be discussing is how the physical and meta physical play their role on the quality of life and the length of life a person experiences.

So even though the time will keep on ticking, we can influence our biological clocks, we can influence our rate of decay and rate or renewal and so it is not aging that kills people it is their accumulation of damage over time that compounds and eventually causes the system to crash. This book is the collection of studies from many other doctors, researchers and scientist that talk about their specialty and how to maintain it and why it is critical to health. My gift in life is the ability to see the big picture by noticing the connections of how the little things fit in with each other.

My understating when taking everything into an account is that when we focus on maintaining strong fundamentals of health, we will maintain high quality of life for much longer, slowing down and even reversing decay and accumulation of damage while at the same time supporting the bodies natural ability to self heal, self regulate and therefore living longer with high quality of life.

Health is a natural state of being.

Personal responsibility, somehow our society has gotten comfy with the idea that someone else or something else is responsible, that the doctor is responsible for my health, that the government or the town is responsible for quality of the air and water I consume, that the headache I have, or the pain I feel is not of my doing, not my fault, not my responsibility and a pill will fix it. This lead is to focusing on managing symptoms and not thinking in terms of addressing root cause to eliminate the situation for good. People are focused on skimming the oil on top of the water in theire lake instead of diving into the lake and removing the oil barrels that are leaking the oil.

When you start looking at life through the mindset that environment drives the state of what is living in it everything will change for you. Read on and find out for yourself.

Energy the driver of life

At the most fundamental quantum level everything is information, that information is transmitted through vibrations and frequency and expresses as energy, and everything is connected to everything else through quantum fields. ... The quantum theory researchers discovered the answer: Not only do particles consist of energy, but so does the space between. This is the so-called zero-point energy. Therefore it is true: Everything consists of energy. Source, I highly recommend you click and read this, how everything is energy, which is the one thing that unites it all, even your thoughts, emotions, and especially your health.

"Chronic disease is associated with a lack of cellular energy." Dr. Perry Nickelston

What role does energy play in your cells? Look at it this way. If you deliver to your cells, all the nutrients it needs, but it doesn't have the energy to us them, is that helpful? Energy is the starting point, energy management is key to how everything else works. Cells and you, like a battery, can only work when there is energy and need to be recharged. Just like a battery, damage can accumulate and the energy output is lower, which means less and less can be accomplished with this lower amount of energy. We will get to the part where we talk about how to recharge your ability to produce ATP.

So you have the ability to produce energy, and over time that production capacity is deteriorating, then you have energy needed to maintain the system, as it accumalutaes more and more damaged and takes up more and more energy to upkeep, things do not work as smoothly and efficiently, and more errors and damage is created increasing the rate of decay. There are also the vital nutrients that come from the air, sun, water, food, emotions, that you put into the body is more and more toxic which requires even more energy to process it and even more energy to detox it to be able to use it as a cleaner fuel.

Dr. Todd LePine is expert on mitochinodial health.

No coffee is not energy, coffee is a stimulant, that actually robs you of off energy in the future. If you want to read more about that and DHEA check out this amazing book. Click here.

So just a quick review to put it all nicely in a bow. Aging has few components, the physcial state of your cells, the inflow or pollution and nutrients, the outflow of pollution and waste, and the meta physical state of your being (we will dive deeper into this soon). The one common thread is energy, do your cells have the energy to do what they need to do and do you have the energy flow that makes you want to live on?


"Few are those, who see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts." Abert Eisten.

Are you making your own choices or simply living out the programing that the society has imposed on you through it's institutions which have their best interest in mind and not yours.

Time between our birth and death is really the only thing that we do have. That time is the most precious gift of all. How we spend it is all up to us. For me the correlation between how deeply I can experience this life, is related to my level of health, which is also related to how long I can enjoy this amazing gift of life on this most amazing planet we get to be on. This book is not about judging, or right or wrong, it is about sharing a way that can lead you towards self realization and living fully with full health for as long as possible. When I say no, to certain foods, or certain activities, to me I am saying yes to life, yes to health, yes to energy, yes to a deeper level of joy and love. We will later dive deeper into the topic of self awareness, self realization and how that plays a part in over all health.

We also have a choice on the approach to life. To be proactive, or reactive. Reactive is by far the current preferred method for humanity, and it is the very thing that creates so much drama in life. Ignoring, avoid things until they are unavoidable and must be dealt with. This is also the model for the sick care that we have. Live fast, stress much, ignore the pain, blame on something or someone, quick to take a pill to deal with the symptoms and keep moving, only take a hard stop when there is a major breakdown, even then people try to keep going and and masking symptoms with more pills that cause more issues due to their own side effects. Ending in some sort of a crash, which if you lucky you survive or not.

It is like a race car driver, who refuses to stop change the tires, which with each lap makes it harder to steer, harder to stay in lane, slower. The driver refusing to change the oil, which begins to rob the car of power, clogging up the flow, refuels only when running on fumes and demands extra chemicals in the fuel to get the car to have more power as the pipes have reduced flow rate. The chemicals in the fuel only speed up the damage to the engine robbing it of even more power. The longer the driver goes, the more tired they get, less focus they have, losing more clarity and objectivity. At some point the driver either losses control and crashes or gives in and takes the car in for a tune up which will take longer, than if there were little tune ups all along the way. This long tune up only falsely makes the driver believe that tune ups are a waste of time.

That is the game plan, that most follow, it is full of stress, exhaustion, feeling like always rushing, and at some point everything is an emergency as everything is reaching its limits because lack of "tune ups"

There is another way, the proactive way. Being in tune, in touch with reality and remaining objective. The goal is not to win at all costs, the goal is to enjoy the race, for there is awareness that getting to be in the race is the greatest prize of all. This driver, takes the time to use the tires to their optimal level and then change them, knowing that this time is an investment into driving faster, harder, and safer in the long run. Changing the oil, will extend then lifetime of the engine, protect the flow rate, extend the power out of the engine, and greatly extend the full over haul of the engine as it will run clean for much longer. During these little tune ups the driver regains their strength, their focus, clarity, can gain objectivity as they can look back and learn some lessons, reset to move onward with a better plan. This driver walks away seeing that each tune up is actually short, refreshing, and a good investment of their time as they remain objective and see the whole race.

Over the years, I got to work with a lot of runners and triathletes which reflected this same approach. Very few every took the time to stop and tune up. Most said, I have to run, I have no time to stretch, to strength train, to rest, to deal with this pain I have, instead of eating real foods they always looked for some potion that was easy, quick, and gave them a rush. I have to keep running, give me the brace, give me a pill to mask the pain. The story was always the same, they would have a break down, their ankle, their calf, their glute, their hamstring, their shoulder, something would finally get a major injury. The few that would stop, would slow down, would tell me a story of how to their amazement they just hit their PR, how they felt stronger running, had no pain, enjoyed it again.

Sounds kinda like the old fable of the turtle and the hare right.

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future." Deepak Chopra

I am sharing this because I want to make it clear, about the choice you get to make. It pays to slow down, it pays to tune up and it takes a different mindset then most choose to embrace. "slow down to get there faster." one of my favorite quotes is by Abe Lincoln, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe,” Everyday, spend most of the day to sharpen your ax, gain clarity on what moves are actually critical and make those. Jeff Bezos is famous for the mindset that he only needs to make 3 decisions every day, ones that really matter.

Lifestyle is a choice

Creating harmony within your synergy.

Healthy lifestyle is really about choices, choosing to take actions that proactively promote and protect your health.

Health doesn't have to cost a lot, it does require consistency and a conscious choice until healthy habits, mindset and eventually way of being take hold.

Building and maintaining strong fundamentals is key to health. Like the frame of a building. When the frame is designed well, constructed well, and maintained, then the structure will last.

What we often see is the structure is crumbling, yet people try to paint over the cracks in the wall and hope for the best. Symptom Chasing and relieving without ever looking at what they cause is so that it can be addressed fully.

According to Carol Dweck research, people over time develop two types of mindset through which they filter their life. Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset. Majority of the people end up with a fixed mindset as a result of the current way of teaching and exposure to the world. With a fixed mindset people want to look smart and they believe that everyone is born with a set amount of intelligence, so they tend to avoid challenges because they fear they might jepordize their image of appearing smart. When faced with obstacles they tend to give up easily. They don't like to put in a lot of effort into things, and seek to avoid criticism or negative feedback. The success of others makes them feel threatened and insecure making if difficult if not impossible to be happy for others. The more rare mindset is the growth mindset, see the world and intelligence as a process, which can be developed. They have a desire to learn, and take on challenges because they know this will increase what they know and make them even better. They persist in the face of challenges and set backs as they understand it's part of the process and their efforts to over come the obstacles along the way will teach them and pay off in the end as they master new skills. They are open to criticism and negative feedback and use it to adjust their course to success. The look at the success of others as inspiration, and take away lessons to apply to their own lives, for they know and respect the hard work that is put into any successful endeavor. Understanding that everyone falls into these two categories it is easier to understand why people can be so divided, and how some refuse to explore new ideas, and fear different points of views. Over the years the narrative has been that, people are destined to live out their family history, if your mom had cancer so will you and so will your child. This view takes away any control from you, makes you a victim of genes and in my view just disempowers the person. Here is something to consider, for many people they did not end up like their parents, like their family history. What is the disease that runs in families is because of habits that the family members share and developed? What if your parents has unhealthy lifestyle that as an adult you adapted, can an unhealthy lifestyle lead to good health? No. Maybe you carry the same emotional stressors that your parents had, or continue to live in the same unhealthy environment. What if you developed new healthy way of eating, new healthy exposures that positively influenced your microbes, which helped you address any parasitic exposures, mold toxins, and chemicals as you increased your exposure to health sustaining activities and broke out of unhealthy family habits. This thinking puts you in charge of your healthy, empowers the individual and works. The real question is will you approach your health with a fixed or growth mindset? One makes your a victim of circumstances, giving your power to higher authorities while the other fully empowers you to dare to take life into your own hands, to trust your gut, to develop your own view of the world, to question life, and grow through all the obstacles of life and as you do you find your freedom and a new richness and appreciation for life.

What you will find here is proven, science backed actions, that you can take, that are simple, practical, efficient to help you live a healthy vibrant life.

It truly comes down to gaining clarity on what is truly important, what long term and short term impacts (price) actions carry and staying focused as distractions are plentiful.

The diagram is organized by importance to your health. Like a foundation of a building is so critical, so is the ground on which the foundation is built on which is the environment you live in and the one you create with in you.

Saying no to health

While writing this book, I suddenly became aware of just how often people say no to health. "are you willing to give up what you want now for that which you want most in life?" that is one of my favorite quotes, because it is so true. People want health, but in the moment they are too busy to cook a healthy meal, too busy to exercise, too tired to meditate, they don't have it in their budget to buy the things in their house that will help them have a healthy home. Yet they make the time and have the money for the things that rob them of their health. I am a huge believer in extreme ownership, also a title of a great book that if you just read, extreme ownership and thought that is a extreme way of thinking, then you need to read that book. If you want freedom, if you want a great life, the best way is to have the extreme ownership mindset and belief system. Take full responsibility for the state of yourmind, health, blaming just wastes your time, and doesn't help you. Own it, do all you can right now, knowing you will add to it as you go.

Regaining your health, like I am is a process that takes times, takes comittement, and like all journey will have set backs and each set back is just a set up for a better comeback. One of the reasons I made this journey to health book a step by step process. "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" it also happens one step at a time. Where most people fail in their journey is they lose focus, they walk in circles and backwards. Approach your health journey like you would a hike, you must stay focused, you want to stay on the path, you will get tired, you will get distracte and that is why you must have a powerful driving reason why you must get to the top. There will be obstacles on your path to over come, and set back but tell yourself that later these will make a great addition to your story. We all love a story full of twists, turns, obstacles, set backs, unimaginable odds, and so fall in love with all these situations in your life as well and know that they are there to make your story, your journey epic and not there to make you suffer, rather they are there to reveal your strength, tune your senses, to help your character grow, to help you gain wisdom, open your heart while helping you develop an unbreakable will.

Are you making your choices
based on outdated information?

Cycles and chemicals.
Everything is energy and energy is a wave which has cycles, the entire universe runs on cycles. You are full of cycles, you have your sleeping cycle, waking cycle, cycle of what foods you eat, cycle of what thoughts and emotions you go though, circadian sycle, and so on. Learn how to read the cycles, break out of the cycles, honor the cycles, and master the cycles.

Chemicals, really transitioned humanity to their next level of evolution over the last 100+ years. Chemicals have changed warfare, changed how we eat, changed our medicine, changed every part of our life. In some ways make our lives much better and in other ways making our lives way more toxic then ever before.

Part of cycles is that it is a human nature to hold onto to what is familiar even when presented with solid facts that this new way is better. The transition is slows, and some are faster to embrace while others do their best to resist and hold on to traditions and the familiar as long as possible.

Chemical life style has reached its peak of the cycle, and we are entering a new cycle of frequency. As with all shifts, there will be resistance and all we need to do is look back at history. The car will never replace the horse. Electricity is the devils work, IBM didn't believe in personal computers, the market crashes through the years that most never saw coming, while those who understand cycles predicted them.

Frequency is a growing part of our daily lives already that is inescapable. From how we communicate daily, all the tech devices we use, medical industry is booming, scientific community well they know that everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Frequency has too been a growing field over the last 100 years, as people learned how to use telegram, radar, microwave, radio, TV, telecommunications. We are in the midst of a transition from rely on chemicals to relying on frequency which offers more solutions, greater precision, more abilities and like everything else, presents new challenges.

This leads us to the pollution problem.
Air is polluted with chemicals, particles and frequencies emitted by all electric wires, devices, wifi, radio, phones, car, and so on. Ground is polluted, that pollution is transferred into the food we eat, light is polluted by all the artificial lighting which affects insects, plants, animals and us. you are most likely very aware that the water is polluted, and the world has been tricked into thinking that water bottles are a good idea (more on that later), our relationships with ourselves, with nature and each other is also very polluted and the effects of that can be seen everywhere. "Scientists have devoted years to studying the deceased dolphins blanketed with crusty, pus-filled lesions in the hopes of finding the cause of the condition. Now, 15 years later, researchers at The Marine Mammal Center in California — the world’s largest marine mammal hospital — together with colleagues in Australia have discovered what’s causing the devastating disease in coastal dolphins worldwide: climate change." The cause of the mass bee die off? Chemical used on seeds to preserve them, which scientists never imagined in their wildest dreams that the chemical on the seed, would end up polluting the pollen then plants produce which bees get poisoned by. The leading factor of death, ill health is pollution, and yet scientists recognize that when it comes to all of life but for whatever convoluted reason, the medical community is not recognizing that as a major factor driving chronic disease and death in human beings.

Now our body is able to clear out pollution but what happens when when our system is overloaded, because the pollution is on such a grand scale and coming from every possible angle? We we develop chronic diseases, which really is just a way our body is trying to tell us to pay attention that it is unable to function well and you need to change what you are doing and how you are doing.

Imagine a clean earth like it was lets say 500 years ago, you are far from highly populated area, surrounded by pristine nature that is in harmony with its self. You would be able to drink directly from the river, fresh delicious structured water that is perfected and balanced by nature. Your body would be in harmony with the circadian rhythm of the surrounding nature, the air smells and feels refreshing. For thousands of years that is how human body has developed and thrived. But as you are fully aware much has changed. Every aspect of our environment is polluted, which leads our bodies to be polluted which leads us to be sick. The research is clear and scientist constantly find that the state of our surroundings impacts our health. example: "Amphibian Die-Offs Worsened Malaria Outbreaks in Central America Dec. 2, 2020 — The global collapse of frogs and other amphibians due to the amphibian chytrid fungus exacerbated malaria outbreaks in Costa Rica and Panama during the 1990s and 2000s, according to new research. The findings provide the first evidence that amphibian population declines have directly affected human health and show how preserving biodiversity can benefit humans as well as local ecosystems. "This is like a small building block showing that there could be unwanted human health consequences of amphibian collapses, and so we should really be trying to account for these impacts," said Joakim Weill, an environmental economist at the University of California Davis who will present the results Tuesday, 8 December at AGU's Fall Meeting 2020. "We really view this as an important first step leveraging this type of interdisciplinary work, trying to tease out causal relationship between environmental change and human health."

How do most people address their pollution issues? Taking vitamins, elixirs, all kinds of pills with side effects and are not getting better. For example you can take all the anti-Inflammation you want and it will not work when your body is highly polluted and unable to implement it and your environment is constantly causing more new inflammation. This book is about outlining the steps to actual long last health.

Step one: Create an anvironment that is nutruring good health, and your body can exist in a clean space where now the pollution burden is gone.
Step two: Support your lymphatic system to clean out the pollution within your body.
Step three: Begin to provide your body with healthy nutrients to help it heal, ideally working with a dietitian that will test for what you need.

Remember that it is about balance, nothing in itself is good or bad, its the relationship that makes it so. Vitamin D is critical to over all health and not enough is bad, but too much and your creating toxicity in the body. Same goes for everything.

What most people do is they skip the first two steps, and they fail to regain their health or at best it is a constant uphill battle. I truly hope that you get this analogy and it makes sense to you. Another way to think about this is like this. Take a healthy fish that lives in a pristine environment and put it in a polluted water, you guest it, the fish will get sick. But you say okay I will change the water in the lake so the fish has clean water, and the fish for a while will be okay but the environment is still polluted and in time the water gets polluted again. If the rain is full of chemicals and acid, if the ground leaks chemicals, if the wind blows over pollution, if the only sun rays that reach the water are harmful UV radiation, that water will not be clean for long, that fish will not be healthy for long. The key thing to really understand is this, the fish is not separate from the clouds, the ground, the air, the sun light, the fish is in an intimate relationship with all of them and so are you. You can not be healthy if your gut biome is not healthy, you can not be healthy when the very environment you are in is putting constant endless toxic stress on your body. But when you take a sick fish and place it into a pristine lake that is surrounded by healthy air, sun, ground water, which create the healthy lake, in time the sick fish will be able to release the toxins into the water, and the environment will be able to take the toxins and process them out of the lake and the fish will regain its health. Your body will respond the same way. As you gain greater understanding you will create a healthy home, which will clear your mind, clear your body and inspire your friends and neighbors to do the same, creating a healthy community, healthy work spaces and eventually we can begin to live in harmony with our planet, stop our mindless destructive behaviors and support nature in its ability to self heal for only then will people fully understand and appreciate that humanity is only as healthy as the nature of their environment allows it to be. We are our greatest threat, greatest pollutants, and we are all our greatest heroes to regain clarity, regain appreciation for our true wealth which is the air, the water, the ground, the sun and we will learn to live in harmony with nature which sustains our life, all of life.

What are the two master signals in nature?

They are growth/repair and decay. From the start, the growth signal is very strong, as cells multiply and mature that signal, begins to level off. Nature cares about offspring, and once maturity is reached to produce offspring the growth signal levels off and gives way to decay. But our lifestyle can signal to the cells to remain vibrant longer, in a way communicating to nature that we deserve to be here longer. Signaling to slow down decay and supporting growth and repair signal is key.

Decay is accelerated by the toxicity level within our body, reduction of toxicity is key. Maintaining strong ability to process toxins through your liver and lymphatic system is key. Giving your body the time (sleep) to go into its healing overdrive mode daily is key. Reduction of chronic stress by shifting our perspectives and how we process life around is key. Daily grounding to reduce and maintain inflammation in a state of balance is key. Hydration which supports all cellular functions and communication is key, Redox molecule support that are key to cellular commutation is key. Nutrition support that is tailored to your DNA and your unique gut biome is key. DHEA levels has been linked to aging process and maintaining healthy, vibrant levels is key. Breath too is life, a habit of forest bathing to support your immune system while keeping your house hold air purified is key. Stem cell therapy to boost repair where needed the most according to your own bodies inteligence. Daily, through out the day movement that ensures constant flow of energy, chemicals, fluids, nutrients, toxins, oxygen.

Aging is not this one big event, although it may seem like, one day your okay and the next day you feel like the camels back has been broken. Yet the truth aging is more like erosion, a slow daily process, that is hard to gauge and most people over time are unable to perceive the shift because it is slow, daily and subtle. Yet by doing small daily subtle shifts you can slow, even reverse the erosion. The things I am mentioned seem like not much, yet their synergy will keep your fundamentals of health in tack and strong.

So the take away is that you want to do all you can to minimize the decay effect and all you can to support your body innate intelligence to repair / heal.

"The only way you can get well is to make the cells to replace those that are destroyed by various forms of injury. If you can't make new cells that work, then whatever part or organ that is damaged will never work right." Jerry Tennant

The two drivers of aging, Decay, are inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

The bell curve

One main thing to keep in mind is that everything can be look at through a bell curve. Each end having the special, rare, properties and then there is a majority. The cool thing is that the bell curve can be moved.

Here we have the Gray path representing a self destructive lifestyle where the peak performance and quality of life is reach then it quickly decays year by year.

In Red we have the standard model, which represents most people lifestyle, where about in mid 20's peak performance and quality of life is reached and then you have this long decline of ever increasing and compounding decay.

The Green and Blue lines represent a very probable lifeline, where the performance and quality of life peak is reach around 30 and you have this slow decline because the growth signal is supported and decay can I held at bay. The blue line represents a moment in life where something happens, and the decline of decay is fast. So this person ends up living a life with very high quality of life and then this quick decline to death.

So there is a health span and life span. Dr Mark Hyman You do not want just a long lifespan you also want a long, vibrant health span.

The entire green line shows the what few people have done, the longest living person at 117 years old, the maroth runner at 108. shows the possibility is there to have a log life, high quality of life, and I put it here to show the vast gap not just in years, but in actual vibrant life that is worth fighting for and living.

Which path do you want to be on?

Essentially that is the question each person must answer for themselves. To be proactive or reactive?

To proactively live in a lifestyle that supports and promotes your health, living in a way that triggers the growth signal and giving repair signal a chance to do what it can.

Or live a reactive lifestyle which is the standard way of life at the moment. I am so busy I don't have time for sleeping, for taking time to relax, for exercise, for healthy eating, for meditation, for self care. People living this standard model only begin to take action when they are forced to by their body being in so much pain and so broken they don't have a choice but to deal with the breakdown. Sadly then they are also following the current medical model which deals in covering up the symptoms through chemicals that produce their own side effects.

"A new survey finds 55 percent of Americans regularly take a prescription medicine -- and they're taking more than ever. Those who use a prescription drug take four, on average, and many also take over-the-counter drugs, vitamins and other dietary supplements, the survey done by Consumer Reports shows. But many of those pills may be unnecessary and might do more harm than good, according to a special report in the September issue of Consumer Reports magazine. Among those who take prescription drugs, 53 percent get them from more than one health care provider, which increases the risk of adverse drug effects. (unwanted synergy) More than a third say no provider has reviewed their medicines to see if all are necessary." WebMD

Profit, Silence, Ignorance

When you read enough, it becomes very clear, that those large companies that stand to make a profit do all they possibly can to silence anyone who is trying to expose them, all the while counting on the general population ignorance of the issue. Then you have the watch dogs like EPA, who are slow to act, slow to do their research and as they do their research people keep on consuming more toxins and endure or die from the consequences. So at some point you must ask yourself if you want to take charge, take responsibility for yourself and your family and take precautions. Do you rather play it safe and take precautions now and find out 10 or more years later than hey, after all the water, food, air or what not was toxic. Even if they discover it is not, you lost nothing by being careful. As with this example of herbicide atrazine, widely still used in USA while EU back in October of 2003 has banned it. For 17 years, as I write here the EU acknowledge that this chemical is harmful to environment and people, while in USA the practice still continues to poison the environment and Americans. Yet there are much better options that we will present here like regenerative farming.

"A monetary value is assigned to disease, impairments, and shortened lives and weighted against the benefits of keeping a chemical in use." EPA Spokesperson. To me it is pretty clear that EU values the lives of their citizens more than USA government does. But now that you that this is their perspective, and the only way a poison will be banned is when it no longer is profitable due to lawsuits from sick and dying people. What you must ask yourself is, are you doing to be proactive and protect yourself?

Realize and remember that those who are in the dark and what is actually going on, are going to be those who fall for fancy marketing that sustain the pollution of their air, water, earth, buy puraching products directly and indirectly and make them sick for it.

Symptoms vs root cause approach?

I believe, overall, people do have good intent and they are doing the best they can with what they have.

The chemical pill model allows us to provide relief through easing symptoms, which early on seemed like dealing with root cause. Only over the years of usage, research shows that there were side effects to pills taken and then other pills were needed to deal with the side effects of the initial pills. Yet it is also known that chemical create unpredictable synergies, and there are too many variables and unknown at the moment. For example it is well known that you can take two chemicals that individuality are safe yet when mixed they create a toxic synergy.

So if pills deal with symptoms, then how can we address the root causes? By focusing on maintaining strong fundamentals, that support cellular health.

Redefining how we measure "getting old"

Most people measure it buy how they feel, their fitness level, and their fat.
It is time to measure our biological age, and work to enhance that.
Pain is not a measurement of age, it is just a signal that something needs attention
Fitness is not a measurement of age, it is a measurement of your conditioning. You don't need to run a marathon to be healthy, I've know and seen plenty of very unhealthy people who run marathons and "seem healthy". You don't need to bench press 200lbs to be healthy, what you do need is a good flow, to move well, have good balance, coordination, full mobility, be able to swiftly lift your body, run, basically all the fundamentals that your body needs to be able to live in a forest.
Fat is not a mesurement of age, it is a measurement of your caloric intake, too often we hear, I am getting fat because I am getting old.
These are all symptoms and side effects of a much larger picture that needs to be addressed.

Think in terms of accumulation of pollution, reduction of movement, reduction of energy, healing power decreasing, cellular damage accumulation.

key players that are silently eroding your health

For better or worse, people are better on acting on this that produce immediate results, and people are notoriously bad at acting on things that take time to fully develop. especially in our current culture of immediate gratification. That is very real weakness of many people, resulting in a weakness of our society. we are good at wearing seatbelts for the most part, at running away from immediate danger, but we get worse when we are worn about lung cancer unless we stop smoking, heart attack unless we change our diet, liver disease unless we stop drinking, people know to exercise more, and earn better and they comprehend the results of those actions down the road, yet that is the main problem, they tend to rationalize away the danger, and put off making the change to tomorrow, only when the unspeakable happens and they are shaken to the core some change while others keep doing, sadly. Yet there is even more subtle, killer in our midst, that we people have created, and because it is so silent, it is so subtle, people are even slower to recognize it, much less to do something about it. Day by day, minute by minute like a drop of water dripping on a stone, over decades it slowly erodes our health, we call it aging, yet it really is reduction of cellular performance simply due to accumulation of damage and inability to keep up repairs. The very environment we live in, is poisoning us, tiny bit at a time, and we are not sensitive enough to recongnize it, and hence address it. because it is so slow, and it compounds tiny bit at a time, we fail to notice it. Like when our child is growing and because we are so close we fail to notice, yet those who visit us once in a while can see it clearly how they have grown and inch or two since the last time they saw it. That level of intimacy with the process tends to blind us to the compounding effect.

So long as you are overwhelmed by toxicity of your environment, chronically inflamed and stress you will be very ineffective in preventing increasing damage to your cells. You will be ineffective in preventing chronic deaseas from developing. You will be ineffective in is slowing and have no shot at reversing disease.

elements that ruin health.
Mitochondrial dysfunction
lack of oxygen
oxidative stress
poor quality sleep
all processed food
excess sugar consumption
chronic stress
inadequate and infrequent movement
poor sleep habits
Chrnoic Pollution in your environment, air, water, food, light, electric, geopathic, relationships,
relationship with yourself
Lacking in Vit D
being fed but undernourished.
toxins in cosmetics, food, water, air, clothing, house hold products,

So where do we start?

It all starts with awareness and focus on either disease or being healthy. When you focus on support and being healthy your body will take care of the rest, through its amazing power to self regulate and heal. There are things we know, things we know that we do not know, and things we do not know that we do not know.

With courage to increasing our awareness we begin expanding into the things we know we don't know and in doing so we can discover the things we don't even know that we don't know. As awareness increase, so does our ability to take actions, we gain more options and we have better options then before. which leads to greater transitions which in turn leads to greater awareness and courage.
It starts with willingness to invest inyourself for that will be the greatest investment any of us can make. Investment of your time and some money.

Awareness if you are moving in the right direction. Many people work so hard, yet they are moving in the wrong direction or stuck in a loop. The other part that trips us up is being like a squirrel. Interested and distracted by everything, running back and forth and really not finishing and accomplishing anything. The need to accumulate stuff, the more stuff you have the energy, time, resources it takes to maintain and manage it all, keep your eyes on what is essential and make sure you do not get distracted by all the other shiny objects that just drain, your time, energy.

Keep in mind that if it took you lets say 5 years to get to where you are now, stop expecting to get a full reversal in 30 days. Sure you can get immediate results in terms of masking symptoms, but just like it took a long while to do damage to your body, it takes a while to rebuild it. remember it is far easier to break something, burn it, destroy it than it is to build it, or fix it. It's just how universe is built, so have patience, consistency, perseverance and know that as long as you stay on the path that leads toward better health you will get there.

We are like a seed

It is an ancient wisdom that teaches us, we are like seeds, everything that we ever need is inside of us. Many man traveled far seeking truth and themselves, yet only those that dared to look within, ever found themselves and what they seeked.

One of the first things to discover is the awareness that there are two environments we live in. The extrernal world which has nothing to do with us, it goes by its own drum beat. This external universe has been here long before us and will continue to be here long after we are gone. Yet this is where most get lost, endlessly trying to control their environment driven by unconscious sense of fear, need to be loved, acceptance. People live out their entire lives, never looking in, always looking out, and with in futile pursuit of control the world around them.

The other option is to look within. Discover there is a whole other world inside you that is your own personal world, your kingdom, your home, absolutely unique and one of a kind. There is the mind which produces thoughts, there is the heart that gives life its beauty and depth and there is you, the one that notices the mind and the heart.

Learning that the inner world is totally within your control, and that as you do your work here your entire perspective on the external shift and your ability to experience life increase along with ability to be objective and truly live fully. There are no problems in this world, your mind creates all the problems in your life.

Here is the best place to start your journey, for when we are a mess inside, it will be reflected by how we interact with the outside world. A great resource is here. Personally, for after reading hundreds of books over 2 decades, this program brings in all together and in a way to so most relatable and guides you to exactly where we all want to
More on this part of our health later.

"The fact that modern medicine has become effective in the treatment of specific symptoms does not mean it has become beneficial for the health of the patient." Ivan Illich

Every breath counts

"The distance between life and death is that of a breath."
the first thing in life we inhale and the last thing in life is we exhale, and yet few people connect how critical breath is, how critical the quality of their air they breath is. there are two factors with air , the amount: Low oxygen is related to a plethora of ailments and dysfunctions. Chemicals can enter and irritate the nose, air passages and lungs. You can’t see the allergens, toxins, mold, toxic ozone, or dust. It’s easy to forget all the things floating around the air, even when you’re indoors. For example VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are regularly released by common household products such as drywall, house paints, nail polish, shampoo, and pretty much anything with a scent. Their harmful effects can range from an itchy throat to nasopharyngeal cancer. They can become deposited in the airways or be absorbed by the lungs into the bloodstream. These substances can be carried by blood to the rest of the cells through out the body. Pollution in the air you breathe will affect every system in your body. So with each breath you inhale more pollution or inhale in clean air to help expel pollution. So are you getting enough of oxygen and then what quality is it?

"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state ...Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease...Hypoxia or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease." Dr. Stephen Levine (Molecular Biologist)

Breath teaches us that everything is a cycle (pulse), everything is temporary moment in time. there is value in having and not having, there is a constant intake of what you need (nourishment) and release of what you do not need (waste). Consider that we are at any point in our life just a few minutes away from our death, should we be unable to our next breath.  Breath grounds us, breath reveals our inner state, breath connects us at a fundamental level, breath relaxes and breath invigorates us.  When we are in a stressful state we breathe shallow which will impact everything else. A shallow breath will lead to tight muscles, which leads to restricted range of motion, which leads to leads motions, which leads to brain deterioration, and so on, the spiral of decay.

Breathing and respiration are the same thing. Everyone alive is breathing but not everyone is respiring, and that is why so many people are living in a state of oxygen deprivation. Structured water, cellular voltage and lymphatic system which we will talk about later on in the book are critical to proper respiration process. "Breathing is the process of air going in and out of the lungs for the purpose of exchaning carbon dioxide for oxygen. Respration is the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen at the cellular level." Kuchera M & Kuchera W, osteopathic considerations in systemic dysfunction, revised 2nd ed. Columbus, OH Original Works;1994 :33

If you never heard of Wim Hoff click here. He is known as the IceMan, he has been studied by many researchers and universities because no one believed what he was doing was humanly possible, much less anyone else could do it and yet he proved everyone wrong and has shown the world the amazing human potential with the proper training.

Breathing is simple, the way your cells process oxygen is not. click here for more

Forest bathing - Shinrin-Yoku - PUB MED click here. book Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness by Japanese medical doctor and researcher Qing Li. "The health secrets of trees seem to lie in two things—the higher concentration of oxygen that exists in a forest, as compared to an urban setting, and the presence of plant chemicals called phytoncides—natural oils that are part of a plant’s defense system against bacteria, insects, and fungi. Exposure to these substances, says Li, can have measurable health benefits for humans. Physiological stress is reduced, for example, and both blood pressure and heart rate are lowered. Evergreens—pine, cedar, spruce, and conifers—are the largest producers of phytoncides, so walking in an evergreen forest seems to have the greatest health benefits."

Airdoctorpro is currently the best option to create a healthy indoor air environment and the place to start to reduce the pollution and support the detoxification of your body.

If youre suffering from mold pollution, it is a serious and can be tricky to diagnose and treat, here are some reputable resources.
Mold Amen clinic and surviving mold, Moldsickness, knowthecause, test your home at,

Lucas Rockwood quick breathing tips.
water breathing 4 in and 4 out - day to day breathing rythm, any time you want to rebalance yourself, do 10 breaths like this
whiskey breathing, before bed 4 in and 8 out breathing rythm - do 10 rounds or more stimulating parasympathetic system , lay in bed, you can do this until you fall asleep
coffee breathing, just exhale inhale happens on its own 20 exhales with a quick break in between doing 3 rounds use this sparingly, 3 rounds of 20 before exercise, and 3 rounds of 20 around 3 pm instead of reaching for sugary snack.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla

May sound like a total woo woo, and to me it was, until I looked and found that there are solid studies to back this up! Earthing / grounding has now over 21 independent, peer reviewed studies showing it's positive effect on our body. Grounding means to return to normal in electrical terms, yes you are electric, at every level. We are made from elemental compounds, we are part of earth, we developed by being connected to the earth, to the sun, to the air, to the water and they are as much part of us as we are part of them. We have created an artificial world that is out of harmony with nature and it is putting us out of harmony with ourselves and each other. These fundamental steps are critical and set the foundation for the return to true balance, harmony and health.

"When you are in chronic inflammation, you're in toxic retention." Christopher Shade, PhD

Brief list of benefits from earthing:
Benefits of earthing increase as your time increases according to scientific literature:

Immediate benefits: muscle tension immediately starts to release, your brain waves improve, skin conductance, levels of pain can also be instantly reduced.

Grounding for several minutes (20 min plus) include improvement circulation, oxygenation, organ function, blood pressure and blood sugar level.

Ground over several hours, (8 hour sleep on grounded mat) includes bone (osteoporosis indicators), metabolic panel improvement, (electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron level ..., thyroid function panel, cortisol levels.

Several days of constant exposure, become more resilient to stress, experience faster healing, decreasing inflammation markers, improvement in quality of sleep.

Years of exposure are showing promising anti aging, anti dementia and anti cancer benefits, improved energy because as it turns out most of diseases we face are a result of chronic inflammation and when chronic inflammation is gone then we are in a position to experience these health benefits.

study on infants and being grounded click here

The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases click here

Inflammation & Pain Thermography Imaging Research Study on Grounding (see astonishing before and after images)

Medical thermography (infrared imaging) is used by doctors and scientists to photograph inflammation and poor circulation in the body. The 20 medical thermography case studies documented in this clinical research study provide before and after thermography images showing the elimination of inflammation and return of normal circulation after grounding. Each case study also includes a summary of each patient's original issues and the life-changing improvements they received after grounding. Click Here.

You can buy grounding products here, click here

THE GROUNDED is an inspiring full-length documentary film chronicling the astonishing healing transformation of one man and his profound impact on the residents of his small hometown in Alaska. Filmed and produced by renowned National Geographic wildlife filmmaker, Steve Kroschel. click here to watch.

The Science Behind Grounding (20+ peer-reviewed research studies)
Get a quick overview of the results of the extensive scientific research conducted on grounding. Then dive deep with easy-to-read summaries of 12 of the over 20 impressive peer-reviewed research studies. click here for more info.

Sunshine the must have nutrient that most lack.

"In the absence of adequate Vitamin D, NONE of our body systems work well." Robert P. Heaney, MD. I think this that covers it fully why you must get your daily dose of sunshine to be healthy.
Regular sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough vitamin D. To maintain healthy blood levels, aim to get 10–30 minutes of midday sunlight, ideally daily. People with darker skin may need a little more than this. Your sun time exposure depends on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight.

You must watch it. Some highlights from the video.
Pregnant women do not get enough which creates a life long growth stunt to the baby, low infertility, low birth weight and poor birth outcomes.
Lactating kids do not get enough from breast milk
Getting it from the sun lasts 3 times longer than from a pill
Dental issues
Frature issues as vitamin D is critical for body ability to use calcium
Again, NOTHING works well in the body when it is vitamin D deficient.
No child or adult can get enough of it just from their dietary sources
if you live above Atlanta Georgia 32N latitude, all winter you can not make Vit D from sun exposure,
Best time to be out is from 10am to 3pm even at the equator.

App to help you get your vit D from the sun click here
Supplement I take click here, I take the one with vita K as it helps Vit to be absorbed by body
"Vit D deficiency is the most common medical condition world wide." Dr Michael Holick


“The majority believes that everything hard to comprehend must be very profound. This is incorrect. What is hard to understand is what is immature, unclear and often false. The highest wisdom is simple and passes through the brain directly into the heart.” Viktor Schauberger, Visionary & Inventor

Water, so simple, so familiar, so blah. So you think, but the reality is that water is the most studied substance and least understood according to the scientific community. Chemist Felix Franks, “water is probably the most studied and least understood.” So how can this most common material on earth be least understood, but more importantly is the solution to many health issues to just drink more water?

For example water has two distinct liquids states, water has 4 phases, those being liquid, gas, solid and EZ (structured water). Point I am making here, that there is more to just drink more water, have you ever asked yourself what type of water is best to drink?

Water facilitates ALL cellular functions, and those functions are affected by the level of, energy, toxicity in the cells. In the book, "Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life," Dr. Gerald Pollack presents evidence that shows water is absolutely essential to everything the cell does. Not enough water, cellular processes do not function well, mistakes and errors are made which produce cells that are not optimal which just increases the suboptimal functionality of the cells, system, body, you. Damage increases, inefficiency increases, tumors grow and decay increases at a compounding rate. Same goes as the toxicity level in the body increase.  Maximize hydration and minimize toxicity. There are about 100 thousand reactions in every cell per second and you have about 50 to 70 Trillion cells in your body and all of those reactions require water. Click here for a quick video about your cells and health.

Structured water, also known as hexagonal water exclusion zone (EZ) water, plays many biological roles that are important to our health. This water plays a key role in creating a negative charge which is critical to cellular health and function, which also as you read is helped by grounding. If you do not provide structured water to your body it will use it's own energy and create structured water from the water you do give it. But if you give it structured water it can use that energy for other things and utilize the structured water right away, making it easier on your entire system. you can most easily get structured water from sunlight, vorteing, eating fresh fruits and vegetables as the water within the plant cells is structured. The reason fourth phase of water is called the exclusion zone or EZ is because the first thing Dr. Pollack's team discovered is that it profoundly excludes things. Even small molecules are excluded from structured water. Surprisingly, structured water appears in great abundance, including inside most of your cells. Even your extracellular tissues are filled with this kind of water.

Cellular communication. If the cells are lacking in what they need, or are overwhelmed by toxicity they are unable to communicate, creating an environment that is ripe for disorder and disease.

evidence that EZ / Structured water molecules are physically different from Bulk water (Jerry Pollack the fourth phase of water)
Structured water molecules are more constrained (NMR)
Structured water molecules are more stable (Infared Radiation)
Structured water molecules are more negatively charged (Electrical Potential)
Structured water molecules absorb at 270nm (Light Absorbtion Spectrum)
Structured water molecules are more viscous (Falling Ball Viscometry)
Structured water molecules are more aligned (Polarizing Microscopy)
Structured water molecules structure different (IR Absorption)

Conclusion about water, what you probably have heard is a statement like this "the water content [by weight / terms of mass] of the human body ranges between 42% and 75%." The dying and obese person is at the  40s range while a healthy infant is at the 75% range, Yet there is even deeper truth when looked at a more detailed molecular structure of the human body which turns out to be that 99.99% of the molecules in our body are water molecules. Structured water is asilimated by your body with ease saving you energy for other functions. It will help not bring in pollution through exclusion and it will aid in detoxifying the body.

Power of Cold Shower routine., improves circulation, specifically lymphatic which is key to moving toxins out of every part of your body, it promotes blood circulation which delivers all important water, oxygen, and nutrients to every part of your body. The improved over all circulation of the body supports reduction in inflammation, and triggers mood-boosting neurotransmitters which can make you feel happy. Go back and see Wim Hoff Method, the man that has best research behind him proving the benefits of breathing and cold exposure.

alkaline Water - just a brilliant marketing strategy to sell a product, when you dive deeply there is no solid research backing the claims that the companies selling these products make. a small study with 16 athletes claims it works but that size of a study is not a valid study click here The deeper I dove into the subject the more I found that it is just cleaver marketing, to sell a water that is 240 to 10,000 times more costly than tap water, and when you read up on the companies that sell water bottles it becomes clear that as the sales of soda have declined they found they can sell water and increase their profits even more. These house hold brands have only one interest, profit, and not your health and they will spin the story in any way possible to get you to buy, so just remember that.

If you want to learn more about structured water the best book to read is by the scientist who discovered it Dr. Pollack and his book The Fourth Phase of Water.
power of structured water link here

there are many types of water filtration on the go, here is one I like click here

"Water is the lifeblood of the earth. When water is healthy, it has a complex structure that enables it to communicate information, carry energy, nutrients and healing, to self-cleanse and discharge wastes." Viktor Schauberger Forester, Naturalist and Water Visionary - 1885-1958

REDOX WATER - Redox signaling (also called cell signaling) is vital to strengthening the genetic signal that keeps our cells talking. ASEA’s breakthrough redox signaling technology provides critical connection and communication between cells to ensure optimal renewal and revitalization, supporting the development of new, healthy cells in the body. this can be a supplement you may want to take, once you have set up your environment that so that you can get the most benefit from this technology and its ability to help your body self heal.

To turn your glass of water into a natural remedy, click here for more info.

The bottled water story that you must be aware of.

How EZ water, connects light, grounding, energy and your cellular health.

minerals to put into your water to super charge it

Improves cellular hydration, regular water reachers 3%, gatorade reaches 8% while this product in medical studies has shown to reach 32%
gets absorbed by the body 2 to 4 times faster,
supports mitochondrial function.
breaks down toxins within the water and allow them to pass quickly and fully out of the body.
supports your body ability to detoxify,
listen to the interview below for more information.

Chronic Stress and Toxicity is what is mainly killing you

"All chronic diseases or symptoms of ill health are caused by an obstruction of some sort." Andreas Mortiz. Movement and water are key players to a healthy flow.

It is all about the extent and duration of stress and toxins, a small short doses seem to get the body kicked into a higher gear producing positive benefits.  Long lasting and extensive signaling begins to overwhelm the body and produces damage to the cells.  Studies have shown that chronic stress is the silent killer, meaning it is the underlying cause for most ailments people face today. It is the major factor that lowers our immunity exposing us. With that we live in a highly toxic world. There are toxins literally all arounds at all times, physcial, emotions and energetic toxins, all which put more pressure and stress on our system, which is weakened by the chronic stress that most people experience. When we are under a heavy toxic load, meaning our body is overwhelemd and can't keep up, providing good nutrition will not help. First the toxic load must be managed. Think of it this way, if your house is on fire, or flooding, the roof is leaking, termites are eating the walls, it smells bad. What are you going to do first? Decorate? Update your bathroom? No deal with the damage first. Same applies to your cells.

Think of it this way, you are a cell, you want to live as long as you can, and want a good life, you have tasks to perform every second that are critical to you, the cells around you and you realize that you are a part of a bigger whole and you take that seriously so you want to be the best you can be. Now you are focused and doing exactly what you know is good for you and everyone else, then you receive crappy raw materials to work with so you have to work harder, then the environment you are in becomes polluted and it is harder and harder for you to communicate with others cells and even within your own environment communication is hard or compromised and its harder to produce a good results you are expect to produce, now there are more toxins with your cell and around your cell which make it even harder to commintue with other cell, and with in to send instructions on what needs to be done, to inspect things got done right, to move the raw materials, to move the produced product, and more energy is need and more energy is wasted, more time is wasted, more mistakes are made, but your host now wants to bring you good raw materials along with the toxins, sure that helps a little to have a better material wot work with but what will help the most is to clean up the pollution first, restore ability to communicate, restore ability to move what needs to be moved, restore how energy is used, restore the excessive drain on all systems by the toxins, and then the cells make a good use of the good raw materials. So focus on clean up first then focus on delivering good materials. Clean up your house first, before you start to repair it, you're just making things worse by trying to repair when the place is in disarray, stop loading the pollution, let it let it leave the body, then begins to slowly support the healing process. When we try to provide good nutrition to a polluted system that system is incapable of doing much of anything with the good nutrition as it is overwhelemd by the pollution, so clean up first.

The chronic stress of constant eating. Human beings did not evolve and thrive in a place were they had constant food supply, we thrived in a place where we had periods of no food, followed by food. More on intermittent fasting later but for now know this. In studies animals that lived with reduced calories live about 1/3 of their life span longer and are in better health. Fasting allows your body to heal, repair and reset. Once we have the foundation set where you are living in a health promoting enviornment and the body had time to naturally begin to heal and repair then the next stem is to start with fasting.

The 4 steps to dealing with toxicity are:
1 Remove that which is causing problem, get out of the toxic environment if possible, or clean up your environment.
2 Remove the toxins from your body (best doctor I know of for this)
3 Find out what is missing and provide that to help repair the damage (testing and supporting your body based on the tests) You want to work with a Dietician to guide you through testing what you need
4 Keep your system resilient and ready to actively filter and release all toxicity then repair all and any damage there may be..

Air quality (mold) (household chemicals, paints, stains, clothes, toiletry products) indoor and outdoor pollutants- use air doctor. Documentary called Stink
EMF radiation - WIFI 5G your devices - Just a few inches can substantially reduce your radiation exposure. ... Phones only emit radio-frequency radiation when they're searching for or receiving a signal, so a phone that's off or in “airplane mode” is safe. Use Somavedik click here
Water Toxicity - see hydration, chemicals
Food Dyes / coloring, GMO, antibiotics and hormones, processed foods, chemicals.- structured water will help flush these out. Also now that you have awareness and can make choices to avoid so as to not bring in toxins into your system.
Food to start to avoid now to clean up your system
How you are relating to the world, and relationships
Blood flow, lymph flow, hydration, sleep, are key to cleaning up the system.

Power of human touch.  
Power of Hugs
power of 8 intention

Pesticides Pollution

You are very familiar with these. what you need to know is they are found, in your food, water and air. Affecting, people, animals, plants. Pesticides contain ingredients such as oxygen, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, and bromine and also heavy metals like arsenic, copper sulfates, lead, and mercury, all bad stuff for your health, animal, insect and plant health. Being toxic chemicals, they pollute the environment and cause harm in many ways. Washing your food, filtering your water, filtering your air is key to reducing your exposure to these chemicals.

Plastic Pollution that you consume daily

University of Newcastle, Australia, did the first global analysis to combine data from over 50 studies on the ingestion of microplastics by people. In a nut shell the results suggest that people are consuming about 2000 tiny pieces of plastic every week. That’s approximately 21 grams a month, just over 250 grams a year. In other words, people are on a weekly basis eat their plastic credit card, that's children and adults.

Micro plastics pollution is a huge problem because we breathe it in, it is in our water both bottled and tap all over the world, in our food, and the problem is that it keeps breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces and once it is nano sized it can be absorbed by our body and we don't fully know what damage that can do to our cells. Those who know about nano technology know the serious danger nano particles present to cells so it can't be harmless or good. If you happen to live in US or India sadly your exposure to the problem is twice as much as those living in Europe and Indoneasia. Plastic and micro plastic is a global problem, micro plastic has been found in every part of our planet, even those considered to be most remote, pristine and thought to be void of human impact, showing that there is no safe place left. What can you do? On individual level strive to use less plastic, and support efforts of all companies to develop and implement alternatives to plastic. The good news is that scientists have found bacteria that love to eat plastic but that technology is still in very early stages and may not arrive soon enough to save us. Reduction of the personal pollution each person contributes is a key to hitting the brakes on this problem as scientists figure out how to clean up and develop better alternatives.

Lucky for you, you are filtering the plastic out of the air as the Airdoctorpro filters particles as small as .003 microns. You are filtering water and on top of making it harmonized which structures the water in a way to exclude particles and allows it to pass through and out of your system much better. Out of the foods that people eat, the study has shown that  the highest recorded plastic levels were in shellfish, beer and salt.

“These findings must serve as a wake-up call to governments.  Not only are plastics polluting our oceans and waterways and killing marine life - it’s in all of us and we can’t escape consuming plastics. Global action is urgent and essential to tackling this crisis,” said Marco Lambertini, WWF International Director General“While research is investigating potential negative effects of plastic on human health, we are all clear that this is a worldwide problem that can only be solved by addressing the root cause of plastic pollution. If we don’t want plastic in our bodies, we need to stop the millions of tons of plastic that continue leaking into nature every year. In order to tackle the plastic crisis, we need urgent action at government, business and consumer levels, and a global treaty with global targets to address plastic pollution,” continued Lambertini.

Microplastic pollution has been discovered in snow close to the peak of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain. With plastic debris revealed in 2018 at the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench, it is now clear that humanity’s litter has polluted the entire planet.

Microplastics are literally raining down on us from the sky, Scientists recorded a daily rate of 365 microplastic particles per square meter falling from the sky in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France.

Again just because you can not see it, sense it, it doesn't mean the pollution is not there. That creates a huge issue because people seem not to be able to wrap their heads around that.

Mainly how big chunks of plastic end up as micro plastic that ends up in the rain, air, food, animals and people, is due to environmental factors mainly suns radiation and ocean waves grading and braking down the water bottle you threw out into small and small pieces all the way to nano particles.

Light Pollution is real.

Frequency has now become a source of pollution. Light, EMF, 4 and 5G, your home appliences. Research shows that artificial light at night does negatively affect human health and actually all of life. Exposure to most common lighting at night increases risks for obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, breast cancer and more by disregulating our natural circadian rhythm and melatonin production. Our bodies produce the hormone melatonin in response to circadian rhythm which is triggered by the sun setting and our environment having less and less intense light. The artificial light disrupts this natural cycle. Melatonin  is key to health as it has antioxidant properties, induces sleep, boosts the immune system, lowers cholesterol, helps the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, adrenal glands and directly impacts the quality of our sleep. When we are exposed to excessive night time lighting that disrupts the production of melatonin our sleep is greatly negatively impacted and as you will read later on, sleep is a critical component to our health, and performance all day and the quality of our sleep will impact every area of our health for the better or worse based on the quality of our sleep cycle.

“Glare from nighttime outside lighting can create hazards ranging from discomfort to frank disability.” — American Medical Association Council on Science and Public Health (2012). So if you are getting light pollution in through your windows at night, one option is to install Blackout Curtains with Black Liners to help create a healthy sleeping space.

Click here for more information on great products (sunglasses, replace light bulbs in house)

in regards to light bulbs to use in and around your house, you want to install warm white sources with a color temperature of 3000K or lower. This lower range is shown to be less harsh and less harmful to our health and the health of your environment as the light pollution negatively impacts, plants, insects, animals which all have evolved around the cycle of day and night and take cues from the light as well. You will find that all packaging for new CFL and LED light bulbs provide color temperature information and you want to go 3000k or lower. You will find that most LEDs, computer, phone, screens, TV's and most other electronic devices produce the blue light range that is harmful to you and animals. So as you replace the bulbs you will still get exposure and it is a great idea to wear glasses that can filter out the harmful blue light or not use the devices once the sun goes down is even a better option. Click here for more information on great products sunglasses, light bulbs for your house. It is a good idea to share this information with your town council and work to reduce the light pollution for your town as it will benefit all of its inhabitants, people, plants, insects, animals and once enough of towns follow we may once again be able to reclaim the starry night and see the Milky Way again. "Study finds that one third of humanity cannot see the Milky Way because of artificial light pollution. More than 80 percent of the world's population experiences some level of light pollution, according to a paper published in the journal Science Advances." What a majestic view people are missing out every night!

at home red-light therapy device click here

Blue light has a dark side, a Harvard study, click here.

at home red-light therapy device click here

Two ways to test it your glasses at home

The squares below are black and blue without your blue light glasses on. Pop on your blue light blocking glasses (the ones you wear after sunset) and both squares should appear black. If they do not appear black then your blue light glasses are not blocking all blue light.

Another solid way to test your blue light glasses is to use the circle test. The B section should appear black and the G section should darken considerable. This shows that your blue light glasses are filtering some green light as well which is super important for use after sunset. The less bright the green circle with your blue light glasses on the better.

The best way is to buy glasses that have been independently tested by company with access to a lab grade spectrometer and certified. I have not found any to be tested independently by a third party. I did find according to consumer reports "the Uvex Skyper safety eyewear (orange tinted), $8—cut out almost all blue light."

Red Light Therapy

if you haven't then watch the video above. Gerald Pollack in his test with structured water has proven without a doubt the positive effect of red light on structured water. Looking through that lens it makes sense how it would benefit the body and our health, as it improves water and lymph flow, including blood flow to soft tissues promoting healing, and energizes the cells. Personally my experience with red-light has been that it leaves me feeling energized, I use it daily, and it seems to just add another layer to the synergy of all that I am doing, complimenting it all. For great red-light therapy products click here.

Frequency of harmony and destruction in your environment

The problem is that there is a lack of alternatives, and public acknowledgment by govermerments and agencies that 5G, is toxic to people, animals and plants is not profitable. As this plays out over the years and decades and millions of people will be affected by it and most likely die until finally a big lawsuit comes in or the telecommunications companies find a more profitable alternative, it is up to each person to take responsibility for their health, their family and protect themselves. If you doubt that such corruption can exist just take a look at the Teflon DUPONT story or Asbestos story to name a few of many such stories of cover up by governments and companies. Still have doubts that research a bit on this topic "In the 1950's and 1960's, the Army conducted hundreds of tests in New York and other populated areas. Bacteria and chemical particles were sprayed from a boat off San Francisco, from trucks driving through Minneapolis, from slow-flying airplanes above the Midwestern states. The object was to see how the particles spread." Finally after years of lawsuits by families of people who mysteriously died did the USA government admit to this when it was backed into an inescapable corner. My point is this, companies will do whatever it takes to make a profit at any cost and lie about it as long as they can and the proof of that is in the history books, governments will do the same in the name of "keeping you safe", both institutions are motivated by what is best in their interests. Accepting this fact you can hope they will do right by you or take ownership of your health and do the best you can to protect yourself and your family. Currently the issue is that of FREQUENCIES. Since the invent of electricity humanity stepped in to a new age in many ways and one of the little spoken of is the effect of frequencies on people, animals and plants.
"Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30 kHz-300 GHz is classified as a 'possible' human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 2011. The evidence has since then been strengthened by further research; thus, RF radiation may now be classified as a human carcinogen, Group 1. In spite of this, microwave radiations are expanding with increasing personal and ambient exposure." Click here to read on, and I most highly suggest that you take the 5 min to read the abstract at least.

There are also the geopathic (water veins) that are shown to retard immune system and impact the organs. The story is as old as humanity, as people noticed there are places where plants, animals, and people who go there will fall ill and die and there are places that are sacred where people will feel better. Now science is showing that those places are influenced by electromagnetic fields, and the scientific community has been slow to embrace the old witch craft ideas but as more research is done it is becoming more clear how these fields impact the biological rhythms, mental states and physical well being.

The product I turned to mitigate these issues is Somavedic click here. They offer 60 day money back, with over 30 thousands units sold and I must say I love it too. I like to grow indoor plants as a hobby and I must say there was a clear improvement in growth rate from the day I fired up my somavedic. my own analogy is that, you know when you are in that great mood and feeling awesome, then someone negative approaches you that normally would totally derail your mood, but this time youre doing so awesome that this person has nothing on you, their negativity just bounces right off. Since having this device I notice my sleep improving even more, although for initial week or so as they say it might happen I was going through a detox with discomforts. As time went on I felt more and more at peace, and my self awareness kept increasing, my mood stayed happy and my approach to life kept aligning moe and more with my true intention. Check out their science section and read independent tests proving its efficacy. This is a must have to harmonize your home on the frequency level.

The other device is blushield USA, this device helps mitigate the EMF frequency only, while somavedic does much more than just that. But incase that is all you want, Blushield USA products are something I would get if I didn't have the somavedic option.

"We have been conditioned to think of ourselves as chemical and mechanical beings, but we are also extremely electrical." Eileen McKusick

Frequency is not all bad, there is a whole new field of frequency based medicine growing with tremendous potential and proving to be very effective and eventually replacing our chemical based medicine model. Frequency Specific Microcurrent offers great solutions to those dealing with pain and looking to support their bodies ability to self heal. Carolyn McMakin is the leading authority in USA on the Frequency Specific Microcurrent treatments which can increase cellular energy production by 500%, reduce inflammation, speed up healing, repair injuries faster, improves over all performance to name a few.

According to Becker and Nordenstorm’s model, a person's wellbeing is determined by the health of their cells and the ability of those cells to communicate with each other. As the cell performance deteriorates, so will you. When the cells run low on bioenergy they will not be able to function optimally. Cell health can be connected with this simple parameter: the electrical voltage of the cell membrane. According to the cell membrane voltage model, a cell ideally has a voltage of -70 mV and thus enough energy to live and communicate with the other cells. In the course of disease, this voltage is often reduced to -50 mV. At -40 mV pain and inflammation can start to occur. At -15 mV, according to Becker and Nordenstrom, is the threshold below which the cell can mutate into a tumor cell, see Figure 1.1.1.

By supporting the cells to regain their own frequencies, cells are stimulated to come back also their to their basic and perfect frequencies and harmony. Electrical frequencies are the language and the key to cell communication.
The frequency  microcurrent communicates with the cells using their “language” of frequencies thus giving them instructions on how to regain harmony and health. because you are only as healthy as your cells are and the gut biome within you.

For example scientist Michael Levin of Tufts University has discovered that cellular charges control how and where a structure forms in a developing embryo also that it’s possible to manipulate bodily forms just by changing the voltage patterns of its cells. In testing this technique, Levin and his colleagues have successfully grown functioning third eyes on the backs of tadpoles. They’ve also triggered brain damage in frog embryos by blocking key neural structures from forming — and then reversed the damage by changing the electrical charge of the developing brain cells. This holds vast potential for future of medicine.

Geopathic pollution recognizes that there are, various underground formations, such as subterranean water currents, certain mineral deposits, as well as different fault lines that emit specific electromagnetic fields which can be harmful to a human being living in such area.The fields emitted by various earth formations and energies do not cause a specific illnesses, but what they do is lower a person's immunity to fight diseases and drain our energy to heal and maintain inner harmony exposing us to many different potential illnesses. For deeper reading on this topic click here.

Wifi, as mounting scientific evidence shows that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious biological and health effects, the public has little awareness of the toxic invisible microwave radiation pollution they are living in. So far studies haves shown that acute non-thermal exposure has been shown to alter human brain metabolism by NIH scientists, electrical activity in the brain, and systemic immune responses. Chronic exposure has been associated with increased oxidative stress DNA damage,and cancer risk.

Evidence exists, showing negative impact on central nervous system, neurodevelopment and behavioral disorders due to wireless devices exposure. Click Here for a great resource of independent volunteer scientists who have complied peer review studies on this topic. Over 2000 studies prove negative health impact from the frequencies and electro magnetic fileds people are constantly exposed to. It doesn't just stop with harming people, our flora and fauna is also negatively impacted. Those who stand to profit have long insisted that radiofrequecy electromagnetic radiation, which is considered a non-ionizing radiation, does not contain enough photon energy to cause DNA damage. In experiements this claim has been shown to be false. Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiotion does cause DNA damage though oxidative stress much like UV radiation which at one point too was argued that it was harmless. We live in a for profit world, where profit is more important that people, than nature and people consistently choose to ignore to admit the damage they are doing to the planet and all life on it just so they can make a profit, while consumers are most interested in convenience and not pay attention at the true cost, the risks these convenient things carry.

Research is currently being done on how this RF EMF pollution from our devices is affecting our gut biome, and skin biome and the studies show that they are harmful, Now there is the question of governments settling on acceptable exposure levels. So people have choice, to go on as if nothing until there is a policy and in the mean time be exposed to harmful levels. Or take a conservative, preventative stance and limit their exposure. History is riddled with examples of how it goes. New tech is launched, there is a concern about its safety, powers to be pay off whole ever they need to, to get a favorable story out to the public for as long as they can to make as much profit as they can't. Only once there is such an over bearing amount of lawsuits paying out damages then the public gets their justice. My personal view is that history will repeat it's self in this case as well. There are clear signs, of danger but we all know that few people act on the early signs, yet those who do are most often rewarded most for their swift actions.

Sound / Music as medicine:
Well just as there are frequencies that can hurt us there are frequencies that help us. There is something to be said about being at the beach. Being grounded, the vibration of the ocean waves, the soothing sound of the crashing waves, the sun on our skin, the fresh salty air, sadly mixed in with micro plastics at this point. Just the same as when you are hiking, most people can recognize and experience a sense of being in a place that is healthy and helping us heal. Our bodies were molded by nature, and are supported by nature as they thrived in nature and nature can provide us the blue print to better health. More research is being on the positive effects of sound, be it Tibetan bells, signing bowls, or music like the one buy Emiliano Toso music.- click here. Also check out the amazing work by Dr Lee Bartel and his healing music, pay close attention to 40Hz music which is same frequency that Dr. Carolyn McMakin found in her unrelated studies to help people with pain using micro current therapy. Click here for more on Dr Lee Bartel. It is in our nature to hear music and be moved by it, to feel empowered, energized, sad, scared, happy all through simply being exposed to specific vibrations in the air. So go ahead, and spend more time outdoors where you are far away from cities and towns, and when your home play some uplifting music, a bobbling brook, a cracking wood in the fire place, birds singing in the meadow, and notice how natural sounds like that can help you move toward greater harmony.

For great sound therapy tools click here.

AS you know now, our cells are like batteries, and respond to electric fields, FSM - Dr. Carolyn McMakin click here. is at the forefront of a frequency medicine field. She uses specific frequency micro currents to help the body heal itself. Taking us from the chemical model of medicine to frequency model. As electricity and all the benefits it brings with it is still very new to humanity, we were quick to embrace it as it helped us transform our lives faster and more profoundly than any other technology thus far, and like with anything newt has a price, and for all of its benefits it has its dangers, we are just starting to break through and learn about the dangers, and in that we are also discovering new ways how electricity plays a role in our health and how it can when weilded properly be used to support our health. The first step is to mitigate the bad, and this book has been all about this crucial fundamental step which most people don't know about and hence skip over, ending up with struggling as they focus on exercise, nutrition, drinking water in an environment and fashion that is just set up to get them the promised results. You already understand that old advice of drink more water is good, but the reality is to consume more structured water. The advice to eat healthy is good, but where is your food coming from, you can eat healthy plants but if they were grown in a toxic environment that toxicity will only be passed on to you. You can exercise all you want but if your drinking water that is polluted, eating food that is polluted, inhaling polluted air, being disconnected from the ground on shoes that only pass on poor information to the nervous system about what is happening between the feet and the ground, all along trying to push hard on little sleep that was of poor quality, all that movement is not getting you far and there is an art to exercise as well. What injuries you have, weakness points, all need to be considered in developing a movement plan that address those issues, to help you build a strong foundation on which you can add strength, speed, agility, and power.

Looking at the diagram above now it is clear why GROUNDING works so well, and your cells are happy to always be grounding.

To quote the most well-known equation in all of science, Einstein’s E=MC^2. In this equation we see that matter equates to-and is essentially made up of-energy. So how does that energy form into all the different kinds of matter in the universe? Because matter is, in essence, organized energy.

Information is the organizing principle. When looking at biology and medicine, there is more to inspect than just the biochemical nature of the body. There is also the energy and information of the body. Working at this level of biophysics, the source of health in the body (as well as its deterioration) is clearly evident: properly organized information and energy within the body equates to overall wellbeing and an “optimal blueprint” for homeostasis and health. When either the information or energy within the body becomes distorted, health deteriorates.

One way to consider this is to look at the body’s natural efficiency. Nature has developed very efficient techniques that allow the body to perform its numerous life processes with very little energy consumption. When health becomes compromised (including physical, emotional, and psychological health), one of the basic common characteristics in all cases is that energy usage becomes less efficient within the body, i.e. energy is wasted. Healy will measure these parameters and will deliver to you the right programs to bring you back into balance and harmony. So when you breathe in clean air, your also breathing in information to your cells about the enviorment and what they need to do to adjust, when you drink structured water that has its effect as well and so on. Everything this book is about is to deliver information to your cells that says we are set up to thrive.

Are energy and information different properties?

A radio newscaster gives us information. If we can’t hear him or her because the volume is too low, we turn up the radio. At that moment we are adding energy, but that does not change the news, the information itself.

You need energy to transfer the information from a speaker to an audience, but the information remains the same, independent of the amount of energy; it only sounds louder or softer. No one would think you were telling a different story if you simply spoke louder. Energy doesn’t just take care of the transfer of information, it also makes information take shape, makes something happen with it. You can buy an excellent book to help you out of a anxiety, but if you don’t have the time or energy to read it, you cannot take in the information. And after that you need time and energy to apply what you have read.

As your information field rebalances, through the synergy of the steps with in this book, by being open to receive new information, open to release the information that is not in alignment consciously and unconsciously with your higher intention, allowing for reprogramming to occur in alignment with the new better set of instructions, there will be a lag in time while the body takes the new instructions to apply them and reorganize the system in a new improved way. Bringing you more balance and harmony.

Information field, Bioenergy, Quantum field, really?

Sounds unrealistic, magical, science fiction. But it’s just science. Cutting edge science and technology created by a collection of conscious creators. Healy is the next evolution and revolution of healing, energetic wellness, spirituality and bio-hacking that is supported and surrounded by a community devoted to make an impact, and raise the good vibes of you, your loved ones and our planet.

The world is not what you have been taught in school and quantum physics proves it.

The world we live is way way more fascinating than we can wrap our minds around the concept.

So live in a field, what does that mean, how does that impact your life?

Take a deep breath because this will reframe everything about weight loss. when stand on a scale and I weigh 100lbs on a scale, that means 2lbs of that 100lbs mass is particle mass and at least 98lbs of that mass is quantum energetic weight (the strongest force in the universe). I know you will not believe me so below is the video explains the science behind that statement.

Lymphatic System the little known hero

"The lymphatic system is the most ignored part of the circulatory system, which is unfortunate as it plays a major role is health and disease." Dr. Gerald Lemole

( this should be end of the book, once a person has set up their environment now they can start to address their lymph and a water detox )You are not what you eat. You are what you absorb. You are what you metabolize. Dr. Tel-Oren This one quote beautifully explains why Lymphatic system is key, it has to flow well so that nutrients can be delivered and toxins taken away, the gut biome must not be overwhelmed by toxicity, inflammation, and imbalance so that it can absorb what you need and process it and what you consumes greatly affects the flow of everything. Again chronic stress will negatively impact the gutbiom, lack of movement will negatively impact the lymphatic flow, and so on. Everything is interrelated and interdependent. This is key to your entire toxic problem, the ability to process it and remove it from the body, think of it like a river flowing through your body, it reaches every part of your body and its job is to pick up waste and take it out. Your very own suage system. How often do you think about usage system in your life now? Never, but you would think about it really fast it if stopped working well.

What is lymph?
"Cells are only as healthy as the environment they swim in and your lymph is the lifeguard." Dr. Perry Nickelston
What does Lymph do?

"Illness is mainly due to stagnation of body fluids. If you can stimulate blood flow, and other fluid motion including cerebrospinal fluid, and lymphatic drainage then the body will recover." Dr. Andrew Taylor Still.

Failure to clear the lymph results in inflammation, lymphedema, hypoxia and necrosis through stagnation of this protein rich interstitial fluid.

ways to stimulate your lymph low
move, rebounding for 1 to 2 minutes - I do this daily in am and before going to bed, jump rope, a a warm up, run, but most important move in a way that fully uses your range of motion of your joints and organs.
hot and cold showers, with creating, see Wim Hoff method
dry brushing, but there is a system to it, its not a simple as just running a dry brush over your body, you must follow the method
drinking structured water, as lymphatic fluid is mostly water and water facilitates all cellular functions,
deep breathing, clean air,use your air doctor for that
here are some of the foods that promote lymph flow
Leafy green vegetables, Low sugar fruits (berries),Ground flaxseed, Chia seeds, Avocados, Garlic, Brazil nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Cranberries
Avoid pollution foods like these Processed foods, Conventionally raised meat, Artificial sweeteners, Conventional dairy, Sugar, Soy, Table salt
Herbal teas such as Echinacea and others can help
professional manual lymph drainage massage

(Rebounding (jumping on a trampoline) appears to be especially effective at improving lymph system circulation. Lymphatic fluid is completely dependent on physical exercise to move, and the up-and-down rhythmic gravitational force caused by jumping on a trampoline causes the lymph system’s one-way valves to open and close, increasing lymph flow. “The repetitive rhythmic motion of bouncing on a mini trampoline provides a simple, zero-impact exercise method with long-term mental and physical health benefits,” writes Dr. Tina Wellman, a psychoneuroendocrinologist and author of books on blending exercise, nutrition, and detoxification to achieve wellness, in an article for Total Health. ”These benefits include increasing oxygen uptake and promoting detoxification via the lungs, skin, and lymph.”)

Stop Chasing Pain

Water fast to detox my system

It is a proven a a great way to reset the system and best done with supervision and guidance, it will speed up the entire process of detox, reset and healing. Do all the things that you have read about up to this point and you will walk in set up for success. Water fasting has the ability to help reset our entire system, creating an environment that is supportive of health and toxic to disease. This is the last step, now that you have a strong foundation set. People do all kinds of fasts and detoxes and then go right back to their toxic life, it just never made any sense to me. It's like taking our metaphorical fish out of the toxic pond, putting it in a nice pristine pond for a while where it heals and feels great and then once it's feeling awesome throwing it back to it's original toxic pond expecting it to maintain the benefits it just got from the pristine pond. There are several documentaries on YouTube, Netflix you can find about water fasting. Russia leads the way with over 500 thousand medically documented recoveries over 100 years, proving that amazing things can happen for those who choose water fasting. Close second is Germany who too has thousands of medically documented water fasting recoveries and offers facilities and guidance to those who want it. Water fasting is great but it should be done with a doctor supervision, preferably one that is familiar with the practice, especially if you are dealing with underlying issues that you are looking to address. In a nutshell, water fasting allows your body to go into an over drive of in laymen terms eat itself, destrying what is not working well and rebuilding and in essence your entire system can reset. Working with a professional they can guide you on the prep for the fast, and duration of your fast, some people are better off with strict supervision especially in the early stages of the fast. I seek to make no claims but people do experience remarkable improvements in their health. Again it will be a mute point if you simply go right back to a toxic lifestyle afterward. Fasting is not a silver bullet but it is a fantastic tool to support and reset your health and I most highly recommend you look into it.

The best way is to buy glasses that have been independently tested by company with access to a lab grade spectrometer and certified. I have not found any to be tested independently by a third party. I did find according to consumer reports "the Uvex Skyper safety eyewear (orange tinted), $8—cut out almost all blue light."

Sleep, the foundation of your day

Getting quality sleep impacts every aspect of your performance during the day, it impacts your state of health, impacts you healing performance, it is critical to health to your life for nothing works well when your system is sleep deprived. This is the time for the body to heal, to clean up the mess that has been made during the day and prepare for the next day. sleep is the fountain of youth, it is critical component of good health. We all experienced the effects of a long night and how we poorly function the next day.  The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety's report, "Acute Sleep Deprivation and Risk of Motor Vehicle Crash Involvement, says drivers missing 2-3 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period more than quadrupled their risk of a crash compared to drivers getting the recommended seven hours of sleep". The thing to keep in mind is that this is a compounding damage and as far as scientist know, there is no such thing as being able to catch up on sleep.  Every 24 hours we get once chance and that once chance adds up or takes away and it's effect is life long lasting. Some of the brightest minds like Albert Eisten was known to sleep 10 hours daily, as he often said that during sleep he would solve his hardest problems. We now know that the Cerebrospinal fluid washes in and out of brain during sleep, helping remove accumulated toxins and damage from the day, healing .

Sleeping in Dark room, on the grounding mat, cold room (change in temperature of the room to lower than your day temperature, emf radiation exposure (wifi, electricity, devices close by, cellular towers close by) full night sleep, stop using screen devices an hour or longer before going to sleep, turn down the light an hour before going to sleep, ground before sleeping or even better use grounding mat, your sleep cycle, do meditation, write in your gratitude journal, stretch before going to bed, listen to soothing music prior to sleep, do not eat 3 to 4 hours before sleep so the system doesn't have to be busy with digestion instead of being busy with repair, white noise while sleeping.
Sleep advisor
Amen Clinic and alcohol and drugs have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep and they do damage your brain.

Alzheimer's is now being called type 3 diabetes. Research shows it is a lifestyle driven disease, and some of the ways to prevent cognitive decline include, eating less sugar, managing stress, getting quality sleep, exercise.


Living in a world of abundance I realized there are no deficiencies there are only blockages.

"One's attitude toward oneself is the single most important factor in healing and staying well. Those who are at peace with themselves and their immediate surroundings have far fewer serious illnesses than those who are not." Bernie Siegel, MD. Our universe is one of relation, everything is in relation to everything else and how you relate to yourself and to the world is a huge deal. Are you at peace or at war? Come to peace, acceptance and embrace the flow of life then serve the moment best you can with loving, caring, grateful, compassionate intent.

Your intent matters most for it will set your tone, set your energy, set your words, set your actions and

When you sit in silence for long enough, you notice that you are not the mind, you are the one who observes the mind producing all these random thoughts. You are not the sum of your experience, rather your mind is. You can engage with the thoughts and get lost in the mind, so what you practice is to remain as the observer and not get sucked into the mind.  You will also notice that in life we live and whatever we are going through we have a choice how we go through it and there is zero benefit to not wanting to go through something, to deny something is happening, to complain about it about and so you embrace joy, appreciation, sense of honor to get to experience what you are experiencing, and begin to live life more fully than ever before.  you begin to notice how blaming, shaming yourself or others, is not helping the situation, not helping you, not helping others and begin to take radical full responsibility for everything you experience and how you choose to process every experience which gives you tremendous clarity, inner peace, joy, courage, to express yourself, the real you and not the programmed parts of you.

Love and fear. Notice how our society generally speaking feels it is okay to express ones fears, doubts, frustrations and so on, dumping that energy, personal toxicity on anyone who is within an earshot. Yet when it comes to sharing love, hugging, kissing, telling someone you love them and why you love them, most people not only clam up but express that things like that should be done in private. Toxic behavior can be spread freely and healthy behaviors should be contained, is the message. I urge you to flip that now and for rest of your life. Be the person that spreads love, cheer, gratitude and that will not only brighten the days of others but it will totally transform your life for the better. You have everything you need to live that way, all the training you need you have, you have the skills, the abilities and only thing left is to choose to act it out and be it, be kind, loving, compassionate, whole and complete within yourself.

There is a difference between understanding and knowing. I may read a book on how to fly a plane and understand it, but only flying a plane will I know how to fly a plane. You may read this book and understand it, but only taking action and applying it daily will you know what this book is about and the power of it.

It is when we nurture a fully pervasive sense of self love, appreciation for all of life, a feeling of honor to get to life, to get to have the experiences that you have, a sense of awe for all that is unfolding all around you, sense of respect for everything, that permeates your entire being then you will find your unwavering center.

I found that Michael Singer the Author of the Unthtered Soul, gives the best examples and offers the best guidance to self realization. Like anything else, there are steps to this journey and it is an ongoing process but one that is most worthy of your time for it will bring you close and closer to living fully in the moment.

Our mind is programmed to recall the first, the most emotional and the last. Knowing that, be very mindful how your start the day, be very mindful how you process the most emotional parts of your day, and be very mindful how you end the day before going to sleep. Start the day with gratitude, movement, hydration and a vision for the day. Take the time to stop,"time out" during the day when you sense your emotions are high, and as you learn from Michael Singer he will teach you how to "witness" and process the vents in your life in a way that are most inline with nature and your health. How you end the day with a letting go, reviewing to celebrate your success, again feel thankful, movement to release all tension, lighting that promotes and sets up your body for successful deep sleep, music that nurtures you, and allows you to fall asleep in peace and sense of closure for the day, free of all expectations of tomorrow.


I placed mind before the heart because that is the order we develop in and also as Michael Singer Points out in his lectures, first master the mind, and then with a quiet mind learn to handle the heart. You can control your mind but you can only learn to handle the heart as it flows through life. If you read about research done by hearthmath, you will learn how it has the potential to produce power electromagnetic field that we are still learning to fully understand.  The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions. I am not going to talk about the mechanical functionality for this is more important.  The mind produces thoughts, and the heart produces beautiful powerful energy that can be likened to the musical background when you are watching a movie.  Try it, watch a scene with the music off and notice your experience of it.  then watch it again fully immersed in the background music.  That is what the heart does, it brings music to our lives that fills the experience with beauty of the moment.


"He who does not know food, cannot understand the disease of man." Hippocrates,
Simple concept that people choose to confuse because the fundamentals below this are not in order.  How are your food choices, when you are sleep deprived, when your heart aches, when your mind is anxious, when your dehydrate and body filled with toxins?

Nutrition is everything you consume.  What content you consume, what experiences you consume, what emotions and thoughts you choose to consume? Nutrition is not just the consumption of food, it is total consumption of everything you expose yourself to for all your experiences interact and create synergy.  As you already realize most of what people consume is polluted with toxicity.

When it comes to food, it is simple as well.  Pay attention to what your body is allergic to and then avoid that.  Pay attention to the caloric nutrient density and eat foods that have lots of nutrients and for the most part not over eat on calories.  What most people eat is nutrient deficient and high in calories, high in sugar, toxins.  By focusing on the fundamentals and you will get great results.  Fous on going back to the basics, on keeping it simple, nutrient dense and low on calories which nature delivers. Eat plenty of: Non-starchy veggies: The more colorful, the better. Look for Fatty fish: ideally small and wild-caught as farm raised are toxic, and big fish accumulate a lot of mercury. Eat actual whole fruits Low-glycemic varieties. Nuts and seeds are a great source of vitamins and minerals, just do not over do it as they are rich in calories. Shoot for a handful. When you focus on guidelines here you will automatically end up consuming healthy fats. There are more and more great farmers out there that are practicing sustainable regenerative farming, which delivers you meats (protein sources) that are way superior in quality in every aspect, highly nutritious and no toxic feed, chemicals, hormones, antibiotics that the mass produced meats are poisoned with so they can be mass produced in toxic, miserable environments that the animals are forced to live in. Click here to watch this short video by seven sons farm. You want to source your food from farms that practice regenerative farming, as it is most healthy food you can put on your plate and as well it is a way to start to heal the earth as well. click here to learn more about regenerative farming, how it affects the food you, and the land on which you, and your future kids depend on for sustainability, and for being healthy. Again there is no way to be healthy when you live in a toxic environment. When people stop and look and gain perspective, they ask themselves what does my behavior leave for the next generation, earth does not belong to you, at the core the reality is that we are all here for a brief moment in time and nothing belongs to us, not even our bodies, but what we do with the time we are here matters, for we are leaving this earth either better off because we live or in a worse off state. Click here for a short video on how farmers are realizing their impact and how it impacts you, and your future.

The power of Honey! just as all calories are not created equal same for sugar. With over 5,000 research studies into the benefits of Manuka Honey, you can be sure you are supporting your health.

"If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't." Michael Pollan "
In Defense of Food An Eater's ManifestoFood. There’s plenty of it around, and we all love to eat it. So why should anyone need to defend it? Because most of what we’re consuming today is not food, and how we’re consuming it — in the car, in front of the TV, and increasingly alone — is not really eating. Instead of food, we’re consuming “edible foodlike substances” — no longer the products of nature but of food science. The result is what Michael Pollan calls the American paradox: The more we worry about nutrition, the less healthy we seem to become." Click here to get the book.

Do not guess and test
DHEA Stephen Cherniske, the youth hormone click here
AC 11
Master Amino Acid Pattern the protein pills I use as a clean source of protein
How not to diet cook book by Michael Greger

Local farms
herbs and natural remedies

An argument can be made to switch the heart and the mindset, and this one was a really tough one, they are so interconnected, but a choice had to be made.  If you read about research done by hearthmath, you will learn how it has the potential to produce power electromagnetic field that we are still learning to fully understand.  The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions. I am not going to talk about the mechanical functionality for this is more important.  The mind produces thoughts, and the heart produces beautiful powerful energy that can be likened to the musical background when you are watching a movie.  Try it, watch a scene with the music off and notice your experience of it.  then watch it again fully immersed in the background music.  That is what the heart does, it brings music to our lives that fills the experience with beauty of the moment.

Blind nutrition / One size fits all model

The tricky part has been this. One size fits all thinking. One pill for everyone, One reason why a diet worked for some and not others is because one fits all model doesn't work for all. It is made for everyone then it is made for no one. The beauty is that the new cycle of personalization is also growing, as our technology is improving and ability to to produce. Frequency technology offers us a new level of precision which enables us to take personalization to a whole new level. the thing is that the one food that works for some like magic is the very thing that poisons another person.
Deigner nutrition tailored to your DNA

The gut microbiome is as unique as you, it contributes to digestion, immune system, influences emotional wellbeing and much more in essence influencing the entire state of personal health. We become seeded with our micro biome during birth as we pass the birthing canal, those with a C section birth in years past have missed out on the important part of life but thankfully now the science community figured that out. Further more Breastfeeding plays a key role the gut microbiota health. Directly through exposure to mothers milk microbiota and the quality of mothers milk is influenced by her state, (stress, hormones, nutrition) impacting the quality of the milk that the baby receives and that impacts the uniqueness and quality of the gut biome as it develops.
The whole universe is fractal, and scientist are learning long knows truths that Mother Earth provides, and that the very ground in which our food is grown will have an impact on our gut biome. The state of the earth in which the food you eat grows will have a major positive or negative impact on your health. So supporting the movement of farmers and companies that realize this, (kiss the ground documentary) is a way in which you can help support your own health and the health of the planet. I hope that by now you are seeing how our lives are intimately woven with each other, and with our planet on the global scale because the reality is that no man is an island, no system in your body functions alone, no system on our planet and in the universe functions alone, everything is relating to everything else. So when one part is suffering, breaking others parts will too. Again it is about maintaining harmony.
Dr. Emeran A. Mayer a world renowned expert on gut biome says that "currently at best our understanding of the importance and the roles that gut biome plays is at about 10%". Emotions you choose to indulge in affect it, food, toxins, liquids, all influence it, so again our best first approach to health is buy reducing toxic load, then providing clean nutrients and enviorment to support that innate ability to heal your body posses.
Designer nutrition tailored to your gut biome. is something that you may want to try and see how your system reacts, again doing it only after your have cleaned up your system.

It is estimated that 70% of the immune system is actually in your gut" Dr. Mahmound Ghannoum world's leading microbiome researcher

Consider Micro Dosing and Minimum effective dose that triggers desired change creating efficiency in the system. water is great, too much will kill you just as too little and so dosage does matter, more is not better, the right amount is always the best amount. give too much off a good stuff that the body is unable to process and now you have contributed to creating toxicity in the system by overwhelming it. The right amount at the right time is always best.

nothing is good or bad, it is it's application and dosage that make it so. Water can be good, as well as it can kill you. too much oxygen or too little will kills you. Seeing things in a matter of dosage will open your mind and allow you to get a more objective perspective. the video below is an eye opener for most.

Cooperation vs competition

The New Biology: Bruce Lipton He argues that evolution has flourished mainly because of co-operation, not because of competition. The implications go far and deep and he provides evidence for a spiritual aspect to life. teams beat individuals,

Mobility and stability

This part is foundamental to all your movement and it will be the rock on which you build your performance or your Achilles heal. Joint mobility is key to creating proper flow of fluids in your body. The flow is key to removing toxins which is the first thing that needs to happen, bring oxygen and nutrients to the body. Because you want a constant flow, you want to constantly move, if you happen to have a job that requires sitting ideally moving for 2 or more minutes every 30 min will help and I will later go over how to get the most flow quickly.
Stability: Now that your joints are mobile you want to stabilize them. Stuart McGill, Ph.D. is the worlds expert on back pain and lack of mobility and instability of the lumbar spine is the major cause of many back issues that people experience. Not to say this is the only cause as Dr. Perry Nickelston points out, poor liver and spleen function can too manifest as shoulder, back, and neck pain. You everything is interconnected in the body, it really is a symphony and when one part is not in harmony then everything is out of tune and manifests at different moments and places.

Importance of joint health to movement and creating flow within the body to stimulate regeneration and reduce decay by maintaining full capability to detox the body.

How Sitting is the new smoking,

Posture and Form

Here I am talking about your physical body posture and form as well as your approach to life again.
alignment of the body, joints. The body doesn't respond to words it responds to stimulations. Your coach can tell you all day long not to lean forward when you squat, something which most people tend to do because of their poor mechanics, tightness, poor timing, poor nervous system communications, poor programing patterns that the brain has learned. But the body knows it must stay upright at all costs, and so which just the right pressure at the right angle you can help a person improve without talking.
alignment of perception of life
It is not what we are going through that matters the most, but how we choose to go through it.

Some of the ways that exercise helps your brain is by improving memory and concentration, boosts energy, improves move, helps release stress.

Benefits of bouncing on a rebounder: Following are some additional benefits of rebounding: Works the abdominal (core), leg, buttock, and deep back muscles. May help improve endurance as it is a great staring point for anyone who is just starting out. May stimulate the lymphatic system. Rebounding may help your body flush out toxins, bacteria, dead cells, and other waste products. May help improve balance, coordination, and overall motor skills. Supports bone density, bone strength, and bone formation, while decreasing bone resorptionTrusted Source, so it may be a good option if you have osteoporosis. Bouncing puts small amounts of pressure on the bones, which helps them grow stronger. May support pelvic floor health, according to anecdotal reports. Bouncing works the muscles of the deep core that help prevent urinary incontinence and stabilize hip joints.

jump rope - is another great form of self limiting exercises where you can only do it right. it is a little more of am impact on the joints but it works wonders for your ability to maintain, timing, rhythm, coordination and works your cardio, helps improve posture and tones the shoulders.

indian clubs - There are fantastic to help with shoulder and back issues, even after one session people say they feel they are standing better, you will also work on your timing, coordination and the right and left arm imbalances will become very clear and in time you will harmonize them.

mace training - this is more advanced level and should be used after you are well skilled with the Indian clubs, it will take you to another level.

yoga is a good place to begin and get familiar with your body, and something to engage in but not get lost in as most seem to do.

ginastica - this system will set your body up for any movement, it will challenge your cardio, strength, timing and coordination, as well as help you stay functional for life. This is something that everyone ought to strive to be able to do. This system is great because all you need is your body and the will to move.

MoveNat - this system takes you outside and is based on moving in the woods, its a wonderful system and promotes earthy, natural, outdoor style of life.

Functional Patterns - system delivers great results, and is best used with a private trainer certified in this way of training, this is great for anyone who has serious issues or seems to be stuck with an issue and need a pro to help them through it. It is very focused on function, safety, and progressive training.

Stuart McGill, Ph.D. He is considered to be a worlds top back specialists and has many great YouTube resources and books to read.

For more information on how to use this system to help with your pain and posture click here.

Moderate intensity

Be it fitness or the rest of your life, we make progress through repetition over a long haul. "Personalized proper precise persistent progressive practice process produces predictable progress." Robert Jaroszuk
When it comes to physical part of your life, you want to move through out the day at a moderate pace with sprinkled high intensity brief moments. A heavy lift, sprint, as an example. Hiking is amazing and do try to get out there on a weekly basis. Challenge your body more to explore new ways to move rather than to simply push muscles to be bigger and stronger. Strength need to be built on a sound foundation and again people skip the foudamentals of mobility and stability to only rob their strength in the long run, exposing themselves to higher risk in injuries. Once there is an adequate strength on solid foundation should the person focus to use that to work on their agility mixed in with cardio. Nature is more about agility than a straight line smooth pavement run that our disconnected lifestyle has created. Next step will be to take it to the next level through high intensity interval training, which is a short burst of all out effort mixed in with a long enduring slower pace exertion period, again to simulate how natural cycle of life unfolds.





Stem Cell Fountain Of Youth

Stem cells are on the fringe of break through and already offer a great alternative to surgery. As research is growing, scientist are finding ways to grow new tendons, teeth, and currently you can even get stem cells delivered to your entire body intravenously and let your body decide through its own intelligence on how to best use them to heal and repair itself.


Humans have found a way to reverse aging - ""The researchers used oxygen therapy in a pressurized chamber to reverse aging in two key biological clocks.The study showed lengthening in the telomeres of chromosomes and a decrease in cells known to cause aging.The cure for aging has long been the Holy Grail of medicine. Emerging technologies, like the gene editing tool CRISPR, have opened the floodgates to what may be possible for the future of medical science. The key to slowing down aging, however, may lie in a simple and age-old technique. As you grow older and your cells continue to divide, sequences of DNA at the end of chromosomes, called telomeres, gradually become shorter. Once the telomeres become too short, the cell can no longer replicate and eventually dies. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Telomere shortening can prevent rogue cancerous cells from multiplying uncontrollably, but unfortunately, this comes with the cost of genetic aging. These geriatric cells that can no longer divide are also known as senescent cells, which accumulate over the period of your life and are believed to be one of the leading causes of aging. In a clinical trial, 35 healthy adults aged 64 and older received 60 oxygen therapy sessions daily over the course of three months. The scientists collected the subjects' blood samples prior to treatment, after the first and second months of the trial, and two weeks after the trial was over. None of the patients had any lifestyle, diet, or medication changes throughout the study, and yet their blood work showed significant increases in the telomere length of their cells and a decrease in the number of their senescent cells.The therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which causes blood and tissues in your body to become saturated with oxygen. Strangely enough, this can trigger similar physiological effects that occur when your body is starved of oxygen, known as hypoxia. While previous research shows these effects can stimulate your brain and increase your cognitive abilities, this is the first study to show the therapy may also reverse aging.“Since telomere shortening is considered the 'Holy Grail' of the biology of aging, many pharmacological and environmental interventions are being extensively explored in the hopes of enabling telomere elongation,” said study coauthor Shai Efrati, a professor at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. He continued: “The significant improvement of telomere length shown during and after these unique HBOT protocols provides the scientific community with a new foundation of understanding that aging can, indeed, be targeted and reversed at the basic cellular-biological level.” This also isn't the first time scientists have claimed to reverse aging. Several studies using pharmacological drugs, such as danazol, have been shown to elongate telomeres. Additionally, lifestyle changes, including exercise and healthy diets, have been shown to have small effects on the growth of telomeres. "Until now, interventions such as lifestyle modifications and intense exercise were shown to have some inhibition effect on the expected telomere length shortening. However, what is remarkable to note in our study, is that in just three months of HBOT, we were able to achieve such significant telomere elongation—at rates far beyond any of the current available interventions or lifestyle modifications," study coauthor Amir Hadanny, a neurosurgeon at the Sagol Center of Hyperbaric Medicine and Research in Israel, explained in the press release.""

How do I bring it all together?

Daily focus on action rather then perfection with tracking my progress, doing bloodwork to asses where I am
getting your family involved and leading by example
Combining the aspects
accepting your choices, you dicide where you live and that will add or take away from your health, and you can move if you so choose to.

Creating your own health space, where your body can take a break from all the pollution and recover. Being more mindful on what you choose to expose yourself to when you are out and about to mitigate your risks and those of your kids.

Just as the order of this book is written, follow this order to create your healthy thriving home, start with air,

Increase the resistance, your environment towards things that harm your health and reduce resistance for things that improve your health.

great books to read, MMS. click here
the contagion myth Thomas Cowan
Michael singer unthethered soul
Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer: A Western Skeptic, An Eastern Master, And Life’s Greatest Secrets by Clint G. Rogers

get your biological age click here
heart rate and vitals tracker click here